I'm looking forward to this. Are you?
Although, it is sure to be sad: a sad book, and sad that it's over. If you are so inclined, please signify in the comments what persuasion you are regarding Snape: good or evil?
{Other books I hope to read this summer, all of which I'm halfway through: Isaac Jordan, The Red Tent, Word Freak, Life of Pi, Book of Mormon, The Tipping Point, Escape Into Darkness and Brainiac. Also, New Moon, but I haven't started that one yet. Finish what you start, Em, finish what you start.}
I know, I'm so counterculture.
guess I'm going to have to give in soon.
I enjoyed Life of Pi. I also liked New Moon, even though some people told me they didn't. Can't wait for Eclipse.
Snape is good???