Our kids are growing up

Elliot got baptized by his dad on Saturday and it was a beautiful occasion. I am very proud of him for being such a wonderful son and a good kid.

Here he is with a few of the other children who were also baptized. The girl's siblings and I have arranged for the two of them to get married, so this picture will be included with the wedding announcements. Aren't they darling children? I especially love that R has a stuffed monkey, and Elliot is playing with his cookie. The captured innocence will make it all the better to look back on and show to their children. (Agency? What agency?)

And here are the four crazy children who make my life complete. Contrary to what a lady at Discount Tire last week might believe, the boys are not triplets and Isaac, on the left, is most certainly not the oldest.

Thanks to all of you who came to the baptism: we love you. And thanks esp. to N and D for your excruciating work and contributions to the After Party. Yo th be.

P.S. -- I'm loyal to Safari, but darn it if it isn't easier to post on the blog using Firefox!


AmyJune said…
Wow I can't believe you have a son who is old enough to get baptized. You must be really old. :)
I love the pictures and I find it hilarious that the lady at the tire store thought your sons were triplets.
I can still picture him in that cute little carseat you used when he was a newborn. Time flies.
Anonymous said…
That was funny! The photos are great! It sure was a nice and memorable day.
Neil and Diana said…
It certainly was our pleasure to attend! And Eliott's piano recital was a bonus. He sounded great and I was very impressed with his gaze -- on the music, not his hands. On Safari/Firefox, I find it highly annoying that Safari does not support attachments. Maybe it's just attachments received on cox.net -- I'll have to send something to gmail and check it out. Anyway, can you think of any drawbacks that Firefox would have? I think it has tabs now, and I think it used not to, so that's a plus.
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it be ironic if R married Jonny?
abby said…
I am basically crying right now due to the fact that I missed this momentous event (could be some hormones mixed in there too).
Anonymous said…
Yay for Elliot!
Anonymous said…
I think our children look like comic book heros in the second picture.
pepper said…
Steve, have you seen mystery men? Emily, I have always thought that a child's baptism would be an exciting time to be a mother. I am delighted that it appears to have been a nice and memorable day.
Angela said…
Elliot does look a lot like Aaron in that first picture (with the cookie, and the future wife), but that's a pretty hilarious stretch to think the three of them are triplets.
Nancy said…
We had fun at the baptism, I even got choked up to see my big brother baptising his son. We are really all getting old aren't we. See you Saturday for round 2.
Anonymous said…
Emily & Steve -- congratulations, looks like your kids are doing great. (And did Elliot tie his own tie? very impressive that it's not a clip on!)
Emily said…
Thanks Matt. I'm impressed that you can tell from the picture that it's not a clip-on, but that's a negative on Elliot tying it himself.
Anonymous said…
Hi Matt, good to hear from you.

It's not a clip on, but I tied it actually. It took me a couple times because I couldn't get it the right length (kid's tie). How are things going for you?
Courtney said…
Congrats on the big occasion. Too funny about the triplets. I sometimes get people asking me how far apart my girls are in age - they always look at me kind of strange when I answer 5 minutes.

I've never used Safari or Firefox. In fact I know nothing about them but I'll have to check it out.
Christie K said…
Wait a minute, I thought we had plans to wed Parker and Elliot
austinmcraig said…
Wish I had been there. I really need to make it down to Arizona, I'm starting to forget what palm trees, chlorine, and monsoons smell like. The kids look great.

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