Oh, the horror

So now I know why countertop dude is ignoring me.

I just found out that I have written thirteen thousand dollars worth of bad checks. I paid lots of people with obsolete checks that no longer connect to our money market fund. I had run out of checks for this account and found some in the back of a desk drawer. Oops! Come to find out, my money market account managers have changed banks at which they hold my funds and these old checks went to the old place, where my money isn't. Ahhhhhhhhh!

Sorry, my friend the ceiling guy.
Sorry, my friends the cabinet people.
Sorry, countertop dude--but you should have called. I still blame you.

Tears. Lots of tears.


Neil and Diana said…
Oh no, sugar! Why didn't your bank tell you? It's very Edith Wharton, or would be if you ended up penniless. The very last dream I had before waking up involved Wheel of Fortune, and I think the theme song (which I didn't even know I knew) will be in my head all day.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Thanks for sharing it, though. You are a very genuine person. I only wish you lived closer.
Emily said…
Thank you! We got it all cleared up without too much problem. Steve called the darn countertop guy yesterday and he said he would come today to measure. Nothing. If he doesn't come tomorrow, we will have to start from scratch with a different fabricator, including picking out new slabs of granite. :( You're very nice though. And I wish we lived closer too. Hey, don't you love the heat?! Aren't you looking to move? Have I got a law school for you!
Anonymous said…
This is crazy to happen to you, because you are so careful with money. It boils down to a modern day complication.
Emily said…
Ooh, I am so intrigued by my first anonymous commenter. Who could it be? Whoever you are (becky?), thanks for getting my back.
Anonymous said…
Just goest to show how serious Emily is about being straight and square with money. Usually you cry if you try and cash a bad check.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Emily, I'm anonymous. Forgot to sign on.
Carly said…
I feel for you. Except my bad checks are for closer to $13 than $13000. But you know, it's basically the same horror.
Grandma Hyde said…
I think they send you to jail for a long time for writing bad checks. Who'd have thought it of you, Emily. What a horrible, no good,terrible very bad day. I think that's what causes gray hair and no. I don't write bad checks, despite my white hair. However, if you end up in jail you'll have plenty of time to think creatively and then you can write about it and be famous a.k.a. Martha Stewart?

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