Lobotomy schlobotomy

Did anyone catch NPR's All Things Considered story yesterday about transorbital lobotomies?

Riveting, disturbing, gross, fascinating, and messed up. That's all I have to say about that.


Neil and Diana said…
Come on, it's easier than curing a toothache! I wonder if the doctor knew what parts of the brain he was removing, or what?
Suzie Petunia said…
Yes! And how is it that Howard (was that his name?) is so completely normal-sounding, but others turned into complete emotionless vegetables? And today while Neil Conan interviewed him and the produced of the documentary I couldn't get this lyric out of my head:

"I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy."

I'll pay good money if someone can tell me where that came from...because I have no idea.
Suzie Petunia said…
I meant "Neil Cohen", of course. Do you think he's handsome in real life? I imagine he is... and oh, so wise and knowledgable.
Anonymous said…
Yes, that was fascinating. It was amazing how normal he seemed. NPR got so many comments on that one that their server got overloaded!

Speaking of NPR, did you hear the piece that same day on "everyone secretly has a desire to get away with something?" (The one where the couple uses a counterfeit 20 to pay a toll and the tollbooth operator sends the cops after them.) It made me think about what I would want to get away with. . .
Anonymous said…
Urban Legend or Fact:

Didn't one of the Kennedy kids get a lobotomy?
Anonymous said…
google sez we've got a neal conan and a rosemary kennedy.

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