Countertop Dude: Missing in Action

I wish I could have my kitchen sink. And my dishwasher. Why won't countertop dude return my calls? Steve said something funny tonight: "Our countertop dude's last name is Loya. I feel like calling him and saying, 'You're not the only Lawya around here.'"

Speaking of lawyas, we went to a lawyer's house tonight who lives on top of Phoenix. This gentleman, in his opulent digs, says his house is higher in elevation than any other house in the valley. It's just too fitting to argue with. Of course he lives at the top of Phoenix. He lives at the top of the world. Anyway, we met a senator and an Arizona chief justice at this house tonight. We saw many an original piece of artwork--this fellow has a corner on the Greg Olson originals market. We ate steaks that were rarer than we prefer. We came down the mountain and got lemon sorbet and ameretto ice cream at Cold Stone and talked about if we ever want to be that rich. The answer is not so much a definitive no as it is a definitive what's the point? Definitive indifference.

We came home and walked past the bathroom and pretended to not take notice for one more night the pile of dishes collecting in the bathtub. Who really wants to wash dishes in the bathtub? But tomorrow I can ignore it no more, for we have coming over for dinner one gyrating old school fire monkey from the Helaman Halls days, and I must do the dishes before she arrives.

Lest I haven't made myself sound important enough, might I add that because our friends from Washington are coming over for dinner tomorrow, we will not be going to the Phoenix Coyotes game tomorrow and then going for drinks afterward with Wayne Gretzky. Oh, and also because we don't drink. And also because I was once, very recently, told that I could never be friends with rich people and I've really taken that to heart. And also because I don't want to go. But not because we weren't invited.


Anonymous said…
Who told you you could never be friends with rich people? Do I detect bitterness?
I think you would handle richness very well. We would never know you were rich.
Neil and Diana said…
I was thinking the other night that if I ever am on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and it gets to the part where Regis (although I realize now that that stamps it as fantasy-only) asks me what I would do with the million, I will promptly say half of it goes to the Godfrey [et al.] family (which was always the plan anyway). So, in the event that I get on the show, and Regis does a guest appearance, you could be closer than you think. Part of 500K isn't a lot of money, but don't forget the portion you would also get from Ryan&Jessica's earnings.
Emily said…
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Anonymous said…
No, no, no. You're glamorous. You're very glamorous! But you're also very practical, and unassuming. A lovely combination!
Suzie Petunia said…
OK, unabashadly I will admit I want to be rich (to help the less fortunate, of course!) and so I can make all my dreams come true (read: have a professional finish decorating my house...or buy a house ALREADY "put together"...and a maid...). If you don't want to share in my future wealth, then I will make a donation in your honor to your charity of choice. Can we still be friends? :)
Anonymous said…
as long as we're talking game shows...let's not forget my wheel o' fortune dream gone sour. coulda been so beautiful...i don't think the winnings are as great as millionare, but i would've shared with diana and emily 'cause it was a joint effort to get to the "tryouts" on the res. i don't particularly like the wheel, and maybe they sensed that. emily - work your magic for the feud. everybody's got to be ultra perky though - we're talking lay it on thick neil!

p.s. emily - today during our primary program, grace licked and bit the front railing, stopping only to sing when she knew the song. jonah waved for the first half, then saluted the audience for the 2nd half - minimal singing, if any. most entertaining. i thought of you!
Emily said…
Yeah, Grace and Jonah! They must be related to my children
Neil and Diana said…
Sarah's clog dancing alone could rake in riches for the family. For an encore, Aaron and Grace could wow the audience with their special talent.
Emily said…
Is no one impressed that we got invited to go out for drinks with Wayne Gretzsky? What does it take to impress you guys?
Anonymous said…
Darn that's a good story. You should bring at least your B-material over to, which is practically open for business.
Anonymous said…
Urps. Not to keep spamming, but I screwed up the link.
Anonymous said…
What I want to know is how you got invited to do 2 swanky activities in one weekend. Pray tell.
Emily said…
Well, since you asked....We are not well-connected, but seem to know people who are well-connected.
Steve's boss hosted a fundraiser for Senator Jon Kyl at his (very nice) house and invited all the attorneys. Then Steve's friend who is a mad networker became friends with W.G. through doing yoga with his wife. Now they go out after the Coyotes games (what? don't coaches/owners have other things to do after their games? watch videos? talk to the press?) and invited us. We couldn't go because we were having a lovely evening with the Horlachers, but rescheduled for January. So our brush with greatness has merely been postponed. Whew.
Anonymous said…
So, how is Firemonkey and Co.?
Emily said…
Well, for one, they are health food conscious. I assume that means H does not leave marshmallow Peeps pinned to their or anyone else's door--any more. Two, they are planning on keeping the family small. I say, the world needs more redheads. Bring on all kinds of little firemonkeys. (Digression: I waffle between the compound 'firemonkey' and the separate expression 'fire monkey.' Do you know how the creator of this expression intended it to be spelled?) And third, they were lovely and gracious dinner guests and didn't seem to mind at all that our kitchen is still is some state of disrepair. H promised to call KM and arrange for our Midway getaway that still eludes us.
Neil and Diana said…
i think president w is soon coming/going to the phx for a jon kyl fundraiser. you there?
Emily said…
I'll go if you go, brother.
Neil and Diana said…
can't. pee-wee herman's having one that night. the herman/larry ticket gonna devastate in '08! it'll be amazing.
Emily said…
I know you are but what am I?

Er, I mean, is Molly the campaign mngr?
Neil and Diana said…
better believe we're working on it.
Anonymous said…
When I'm rich, I'll still be your friend.

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