
Today I was angry and hurt because somebody overstepped her bounds and micromanaged a project I was in charge of at my kids' school, all the while criticizing me in front of a group of people.

It took a lot of energy and made me tired. Being angry and hurt, that is. (But also the project.)

She called and apologized and I felt a little better.

I decided to forgive her and let it go, but apparently I haven't achieved such, because I am blogging (whining) about it, so everyone can know that I was (am) right, and she should trust my capability. (Because I'm fairly capable.)

I think when I wake up in the morning, I will have let it go.


Bek said…
I hate it when that happens and I live in constant fear of being that person......

The new avatar picture of you and Norah is SO CUTE!!! Love it.

P.S. You were right.
Neil and Diana said…
I love the picture. I am sorry you were treated in an undignified manner. If that woman were here I may have to have words with her. May the rest of December be gentle and nice.
i love your new profile pretty
Suzie Petunia said…
I would never in a million years question your capability.

I hate it when I can't just make myself "get over" something. I hope you do feel better in the morning.
Wendy said…
I love your profile pic with Norah! Beautiful! :-)

I hope you are feeling better today and am sorry you had to deal with that unkind woman.
Anonymous said…
Hi from Aunt Elinor. I'll have to by anonymous cause the blog doesn't like me since I got a new email address. Remember, It is small people put others down, and it takes a mighty strong ego not to retaliate or fume inwardly. Someone gave me some great advice at Education Week in August when I was fuming. Ah, she said. You were verbally abused, and now you've allowed that person to have control of your entire day because you keep thinking about it. Ouch. But it did help me understand I had the choice to keep fretting or to move on. Didn't change what happened, but it did take away the sting.
Anyway, Emily you sure write fun thank you notes. Glad you liked the little gift. Your baby is just so cute.
lys said…
I really love the word "catharsis." I think I will make it my next "word of the day."

pepper said…
I love and trust you and your capability. I knew you would find me.
Anonymous said…
whenever i hear the word catharsis, i reach for my copy of harold and maude. ready set go.
Emily said…
n, I didn't find it. You have to be more obvious.

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