Throwing a little more love Sarah's way

Look at my cute sister.

Not only does she make heavenly baby quilts, but she also designed a fabulous Christmas card/baby announcement for me. Because I asked her to. Because I didn't want to do it. And because she's really good at everything design. Thank you, Sarah!

I have another cute sister, too. She lives in Utah, and I don't see her nearly enough. I am very much looking forward to seeing her and her plays-with-my-kids wonderful husband and her walking-already! adorable son Milo when they come in a few weeks.

Two very beautescent sisters-in-law, a very young looking, attractive mom, two cuter-than-cute nieces and a babe-alicious daughter round out the female contingency on my side of the fam.

Watch for us on Family Feud. It's a little dream of mine. Oh yes.


Bek said…
What a beautiful family. Your sisters are so talented and beautful...... wow. It almost isn't fair. :-)
Anonymous said…
Emily, you are way too kind. And beautiful! And the cards were your idea, I just put your thoughts on paper.

What's this? Milo's walking? Abby, you're pulling out all the stops!
Suzie Petunia said…
No wonder you are such a beautiful lady - you are related to so many gorgeous people!
Emily said…
Thank you, thank you for the compliments. You're all such lovely people yourself.

This Milo/Owen competition has really got to stop. Every child has different talents. Owen's the best at wearing cranial whatchamacallit headgear. Milo's the best at football, 'cause I bet he already knows how to play. And Norah's the best at sleeping through the night. Ha ha!! (Not to brag, but brag brag brag.)
Anonymous said…
I'm crying right now because I would take sleeping through the night over football and cute cranial headgear any day.
P.S. Thanks for the love, Em. Back at ya!
Anonymous said…
Emily, you won the sailboat bag!!!!
pepper said…
All you Godfrey girls are gorgeous.
pepper said…
Oh, by the way, family feud is a dream of mine too. I just wouldn't want to go up against your family.
AliceK[i]ND said…
... and one gorgeous Emily.
everydayjami said…
Are you the photographer? Great job. Are you open for taking Christmas pix?

Beautiful family both nuclear and extended.

Anonymous said…
Alice, love the new headshot. Why doesn't your link take me to your blog?
AliceK[i]ND said…
Probably cuz my profile doesn't show a link to my blog. Sorry... I'll fix that.
lys said…
I'm so jealous-- I've always wanted to have a big family with lots of sisters and sister-in-laws! I hope that you always realize how lucky you are!


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