Rules for "Special Mommy Day"
1. Rotate doing something fun one-on-one with one child a week. Leave other children and nursing babies at home, even if you have to get a babysitter.
2. Start at age 3.
3. Give child options of possible activities to choose from, but be flexible if he has his own suggestion.
4. Turn off the car radio and talk.
5. No criticizing or nagging during this time.
6. Don't cancel if it's a busy day. Make time, even if it's short.
7. Do not threaten to cancel Special Mommy Day for bad behavior. It is not to become a tool for punishment/reward.
8. Special Daddy Day is cool, too.
9. Once in a while, include the entire family and do something fun you would not ordinarily do.
I love this idea. We have started doing this with Lulu and it has been really great. I don't think Cubby is ready for it yet...but I love this idea. Esp...the no nagging part.