All about nothing

For breakfast today, I ate french toast and turkey bacon. Also, I drank water.

I drink water every morning. It is the first thing I put in my mouth every morning without fail, or my system of order is disrupted.

My brother thinks by nature of being a Godfrey, I am automatically 16% obsessive compulsive, but I think my percentage might be a tad higher. Maybe in the 20s?

My awesome 16% OCD parents are in town for a few days and we are having a great time. Today we drove the Alpine Loop and walked the gardens at Thanksgiving Point. Soon I will post a picture of my (other) brother's name painted all official-like in the middle of the road on the Alpine Loop. It was kind of bizarre.

My husband has taught himself to fall asleep by meditating and frankly, it has been an incredible thing to watch. The man used to take hours to fall asleep because his brain was too full. Now, a minute, or two. Five at the most.

Perhaps if you have read thus far, it has been for you an exercise in wastefulness, as in your time. I am sorry. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Sometimes that old commercial just needs to be quoted.) (You, all right! I learned it from watching you!)

Good night and I hope you have a very nice weekend!


Callie said…
I drink water every morning as well, as far as the rest of your post - that is where the similarities end.
Jen and her men said…
That is my favorite all-time quote. (the first, not the second)People must think I have an incredible self-image...ha!
Sarah said…
my ocd is lessening as I get older. Fatigue, and maybe apathy, have invaded ocd's place.
Becky said…
"I am laughing out loud at the You all right! I learned it by watching you!" Much funnier than "this is your brain on drugs". Congrats to Steve and the ability to zonk.
Anonymous said…
The french toast and turkey bacon breakfast was delicious! Thanks for treating us so well. It was an amazing and fun-filled two days.
Apparently there has been discussion about your OCD parents. I don't know if your father would even acknowledge he manifests such behaviors. Maybe you have observed something . . ?
I certainly have a few quirks, but I thought they were pretty well hidden. Does this family have more OCD than any other family? Just curious. AG
Carina said…
I feel the same as Steve sometimes, my brain gets too full. Most of the time I can calm it down by taking myself through some steps, but other times I'm up into the wee hours.
Emily said…
Mom, I think most of us kids get our OCD from dad, and I think he would readily acknowledge that he has some. We've talked about it. Minor.

Azucar, have you tried melatonin?
pam said…
Do you suppose your husband's ability to get to sleep quicker than in the past has something to do with his current carreer as opposed to the one from the past?
Emily said…
Pam, Steve says no. He says when he was hyper-stressed, he would fall asleep easier, because he wanted to sleep all the time.
Carina said…
I haven't. I usually don't have a problem. However, sometimes my brain just gets too full or wants to be fed more.
Heidi said…
Well if my grandma is a Godfrey, than what is my OCD percentage? (My husband thinks I'm already at about 80-90%)
And I laughed right out loud at your quotes from TV commercials of the past - around here we quote movies all the time!
austinmcraig said…
Steve meditates? Huh. That trouble sleeping doesn't run in the family, I don't think. Most of us have trouble staying awake.
Jennifer said…
Emily, I'm so with you on the water thing. In fact, Sarah and I used to talk about how water was my friend, and socks were her friend (do you remember that, Sar?) B/C I drank water constantly and she wore socks constantly. We were pretty clever.

Does melatonin work? I've never tried it. I need to, b/c I get 1 good night for every 1-2 bad night's sleep (thank you, Rod, for passing this on to me.)

Sarah, I feel your apathy. I used to be obsessive about organizing my cupboards, closets, etc. Now I consider it a success if nothing falls on my head when I open the door. Who has the time?
Anonymous said…
I just stumbled across your blog but I thought it was funny that you associate OCD with being a Godfrey. My Mom's maiden name is Godfrey and we always joke about her and my Grandma being OCD! Must be something with the name!:)

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