Wonder child

Norah does yoga.

It's true. She does downward facing dog, forward-bend, locust, cobra, dog pose, a variation on triangle pose, and then a whole series of Pilates moves.

Also, she crawls.

Yay, Norah.


Anonymous said…
Her yoga was a little better last night, wasn't it?
amyegodfrey said…
Awww. I missed the crawl. I'm so anxious to see her and the boys this weekend.
Eliza said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eliza said…
OK, that was me posting under the wrong name.

I said--Nice balance, Norah.
pepper said…
I love the pink pajamas.
abby said…
Can Norah teach me some positions?
Anonymous said…
Hey Emily...cute pictures. I love your blog!
Carina said…
What a hoot! She's darling.
Christen Noelle said…
Sooo adorable...she is growing so fast! Happy Mother's Day!
Anonymous said…
I need Norah to teach my Henry some moves, he's hopelessly ungraceful. And have I told you that I love the name Norah? I do. Good luck to you and your husband with the art future...I sincerely hope everything works out. And in the meantime, I hope that you can both find little ways to live the life you imagined in the day to day details. Happy Mother's Day, Em.
everydayjami said…
I would like to proudly announce that I was there when Norah crawled her first crawl! She is a talented girl indeed. Happy Mothers' Day, Emily.
Nancy said…
very cute, she's growing so fast. Do you teach her yoga, or does she come by it naturally?
AmyJune said…
Maybe she can be my instructor.
Neil and Diana said…
OMG, she is so beautiful. BTW, has Steve seen this? http://www.afonline.artistsspace.org/
Also, I will start a new game b/c the old one exp. OK bye.
Suzie Petunia said…
Wow! Wasn't she just born, like, a month ago??! Time flys! (Or flies?) She's adorable, and so fit!
Jord said…
What a sweet girl! Yea for Norah.
Kelly(M&M) said…
I LOVE crawling babies! (Sorry I am just catching up on your blogs, I have been just a tad busy.) She is adorable.

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