I watched too much tv last night

SNL -- Chris Farley was so funny. I need to Netflix some of the Best Of from the early 90s.

Lost -- What!? I have more questions than ever. Goodbye to sweet Charlie.

AI -- Props to the hometown girlfriend. Glendale, AZ is tight.


Eliza said…
Oh, I'm so sad about Charlie. I will miss him.
abby said…
Wasn't that kind of awful to watch? Charlie! All the relaxation of my day was erased by watching that show. It stressed me out.
Neil and Diana said…
Speaking of SNL, you so need to watch this!!
Penelope from 5/12/07
Neil and Diana said…
I don't know if that link posted. Here:
Anonymous said…
I can't get to it. Can you give it again? Amye
Emily said…
It cracks me up.

Try this link.
Anonymous said…
10+ years ago SLN was sooo good. Then it got mostly crude and dumb.
Anonymous said…
that's Amye
I just read your previous post, that is too great, i love you emily
Anonymous said…
Charlie's not dead. It's too sad that he won't be back.
Trevlyn said…
Hey, Emily! I found you via NieNie and Cjane (no, I don't know them) and had to say "hey"!!! Your blog is super and your children are adorable! Have an awesome weekend!! Trevlyn

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