
If I ever have a pet, that's what I'm naming it.

PS--Neil, I challenge you to a game of Monopoly with Visa. I get to pass out the props.


Anonymous said…
what's monopoly with visa? Do you get to charge everything and never pay it off?
Anonymous said…
is that, like, the new version (brought to us by visa)? no matter, my 35-0 career domination over you still stands with or without corporate sponsorship.
Anonymous said…
btw, did you know we are the only family who passes out props.

emily, what's the rosebud reference?
Anonymous said…
Who would have guessed that Bo is spelled Beau?
Emily said…
Bo Daggit works, too.
Anonymous said…
bo daggit?
Anonymous said…
Speaking of names. . .
What are you going to name your little girl?

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