All my beautiful boys

Our family's latest scare and miracle of safety: this happened today.


Anonymous said…
Just wanted to let you know I am saying a prayer of thanksgiving for your family's safety tonight. The look on your face conveyed a hundred feelings of motherhood....and I shared them with you as I read your story. May God give you all rest and reassurance and guardians of peace around your home tonight.
amyegodfrey said…
I can't stop crying as I think how Steve and the boys were blessed with protection. It's ironic that the snow that caused the accident also cushioned the rolling car. I'm sorry they had this experience, but so very, very grateful at the outcome. My heart is full. I am saying prayers of thanks to God for today's blessing.
Anonymous said…
Oh Emily! I am so glad that you are all okay. The picture of you holding your sweet boy made me cry. I'll go and hug and kiss all of my kids again, even at the risk of waking them up. love to you and your family.
Christie K said…
Jesse and I are so grateful that you are all okay!!
Nancy said…
I can't believe they walked away. It was truly a miracle. I'm so grateful they are all okay, it could have turned out completely different, but the Lord was looking out for them. We also said a prayer of thanks. We love you guys.
Kalli Ko said…
HOLY CRAP! How lucky and wonderful that everyone is okay. Someone is certainly watching over you all.
Didi said…
Okay Emily- that's like the second time you've scared me with your winter experiences in Utah. Stop that! :) I think you should have a home down in Phoenix for the winters. :) After looking at the car, I am so happy those angels were out watching over your loved ones! Keep safe.
AmyJune said…
How scary. I am so glad all your boys are safe.
The Fish Family said…
Oh man!! I am so so glad your family was protected! That is truly a miracle and you are definatly being watched over! I am so glad you have your boys home safe and sound!!
pepper said…
I am glad everyone is okay.
Andelin said…
How scary! I'll pray also that you all don't get bad Post Traumatic Stress from that one! There is a chance of being affected greatly by something like that. I know I would. I think I'd be afraid to let any of them leave the house at all for a while. And there's dreams and fear when driving etc. I'll pray not only thanks for their safety, but that all will continue to be okay mentally and emotionally with your whole family. love ya! ~Bethany
AliceK[i]ND said…
Sarah told me about it last night, and I'm just so amazed and grateful you all are fine!
Stephanie said…
I am glad to hear you are all OK. What a scary experience! It shook me up too just reading it.
pam said…
When we surveyed the area around where it happened, we were so thankful that it happened exactly where it did, glad their impact was soffened by the snow and that they didn't plunge down an embankment or into the river.
lys said…
Just reading that made my stress levels rise-- I can't imagine what you were going through. I'm so glad that everyone is okay.

Amy said…
Emily, I'm so thankful everyone's okay! The pictures are amazing, and it's obvious there were tons of angels stuffed in the car around the guys, as they were protected from the crumples.
tessa said…
I'll chime in with the rest. So glad the story has a happy ending and enjoyed Steve's comments on not dwelling on the potential tragedy but focusing on the amazing gift.
Wendy said…
Oh Emily! That had me in tears. Such a scary thing. I am grateful everything ended up being OK for your family. Thank goodness!!!
Emily said…
Thank you everyone, for your love. We are going to be very careful around here!
Suzie Petunia said…
I am so so so grateful they were not hurt. I think I am so shocked by this sudden jolt of reality: a realization of our own mortality... how will I be able to sleep now? I was just about to get into bed. I'll thank Heavenly Father first that your darling boys are all OK. Love you, Em.
Courtney said…
I read Steve's post Saturday but was at my mom's so didn't comment (too lazy to change the gmail). We are so relieved that all are okay. I think that photo of you and the boys pretty much sums up everyone's relief.
Gardner World said…
So I dont normally leave comments although I read your blog all the time I had to say something this time. :) I am glad they are all okay! Your boys are meant to do great things! Miss you!
Jord said…
It is definitely a miracle that they all walked away without a scratch and I am so glad your boys were returned to you safely. Snow is so scary!
Shauna said…
Emily!!!!! I can't believe this happened!!! What a scary experience! I'm so glad that they were all protected and walked away from the accident! What a miracle and blessing! I'm so glad they are all healthy and without serious injuries!

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