Hot or not

What do you think of the cropped sweater vest I wore to church today?

It's from Target, a size 5.

That is, a size 5T. I borrowed it from Isaac's closet.

The boys thought that was hilarious!


Mandy said…
I like it. I am all about kid-sized clothing. And I like the hair as well.
abby said…
let me attest that it was hot.
Callie said…
Only you could pull this off Emily!
Christie K said…
So funny!! Looks great!
Sarah said…
Are you kidding? I love it! I think I need to rethink my sons' and daughters' wardrobes as amendums to my own. Way to be bold, and stylish!
Kalli Ko said…
i vote YES!

after all what are children for if you can't borrow their clothes?

i especially like that you took photos at church.
Jord said…
Great idea! And you definitely pulled it off with style.
Anonymous said…
You had me fooled. I took it to be 100% the latest fashion trend. Is this a "tipping point"?
And, your hair is very cute. AG
Anonymous said…
Was taking the camera to church to document the fashion trend part of the overall plan? I can hear the boys laughing now! AG
Emily said…
The "camera" was Steve's phone, which he always has with him.
Jen and her men said…
You crack me up. I love that you took photos at church. Something I might have to consider. Great blackmail opportunities...hmmm. My boys would NEVER let me do that. They'd be worried that I would "stretch it out" and that's not great for my self image! You however, made it work. Not surprised! :)
Neil and Diana said…
Très fashion-forward. I look forward to seeing what you'll wear next Sunday!
Jennifer said…

Loved the sweater! You are looking so freaky-freaky-fresh, as my girls would say. Cute outfit overall--loved the necklace, too.
pam said…
I envy you fitting into your son's size 5 vest. I had been admiring your outfit and thinking how great it looked.
Amy said…
Have you tried the dog sweaters from Target? Equally as hot!
Suzie Petunia said…
Holy cow, that is cute and disturbing at the same time.
Amy said…
Can't get this post out of my mind! I write for Raising Maine, mind if I mention it? Amy
Emily said…
Of course not, Amy! But only if you weren't calling me a dog in your last comment. Off to go look up Raising Maine, and add your blog to my Reader.

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