Why I can't go swimming this week

dusty floor
Idaho weekend trip
7-year-old birthday party (hiking the Y)
no tv
must go to Ikea
spend lots of money
floor installers broke our oven
they think it's our fault
going to NY
got tickets to Letterman
I know where Rupert works
mom is an angel
lots of boxes
new dresser from DownEast
need to go grocery shopping
hard to cook without oven or stove
Steve, please hook up washer and dryer
kids, stop fighting
wish I could read like Abby does
love the sun
finally warm!
green kitchen
need to paint all the rooms
must learn to garden
curtain dilemmas
love the light fixtures
roaming The City all by myself
stainless appliances?
need to pay bills
dirty car
always laundry
will the economy ever rebound?
time for a biracial president
practice piano
take Portuguese class?
swim lessons for the kids must happen
Elliot's tennis class
everyone in Utah plays tennis
go to the spa
research laser hair removal
Norah and pottytraining
pull weeds
pack some more
unpack some more
clean some more



Sarah said…
I would like to view your list while I comment, so I don't forget what I wanted to say about each item. Here's what I can remember: You're going to WICKED! YAY! Are you seriously worrying about potty training Norah? Are you kidding? You painted your kitchen green! The green you showed me? Can't wait to see it. Everyone in UT plays tennis? What kind of circles do you run in? You've decided your presidential vote?

There's more. Just can't remember....
Emily said…
Sarah, you need to move near me so you can know these sorts of things. If you click Show Original Post, it will show you the original post. Norah wants to pottytrain herself: CONSTANTLY! Bright, appley green. I've sort of decided to vote for Obama, but I'm not registered here. Only the richest friends for me! You know me!
abby said…
i didn't know that show original post trick.

why portuguese?

why is there a curtain dilemma?

our mint died. don't tell your neighbor.
Neil and Diana said…
Letterman will be so fun, I'm so glad you're going! I think your list of reasons not to go swimming is so long that it rather becomes a concerns/to do list on which swimming will feel right at home. And kids could get swim lessons at the same time. And Portuguese.
Courtney said…
at least there are some fun things on the list because that list is way too long!
Nancy said…
when are you going to NY? I'm excited for you to see Wicked, you'll love it, I'd recommend listening to the soundtrack prior.
Andelin said…
Good Luck! I hope you can get it all done. I'm looking forward to seeing you!
pepper said…
It sounds like all sorts of fun.
Heidi said…
When are you going to NY? We went 2 years ago and saw Letterman and loved it. We couldn't get tickets though to Wicked so I'm jealous! Your list sounds exhausting...
Heidi said…
NYC is great. We went 2 years ago and also went to Letterman (my question was also about Rupert). You will have a blast (but be prepared to stand in line for Letterman). --Andrew
Kristine said…
Wow that made me tired! What a crazy, exciting, busy week. Hooray for fun in NY, and for your mom. Good luck with everything else. Oh, I'm from Utah and never played tennis--so it can happen.:) And I'm so impressed with Norah. That's amazing.
everydayjami said…
Here's to you and Steve taking a bite out of the "Big Apple."
Bek said…
Lucky!! I love NY--

Love Green Kitchens.

POTTY TRAINING? Wowza. we aren't even close yet...
Anonymous said…
I am a little tardy in the comment section because i have been out of town. I love green kitchens. I hate tennis. Love the Y. Your mom is an angel. My cousin does laser hair removal in Provo.

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