
I think it would have been good if we'd moved one month earlier. My head is swimming, in a good way. June was a major whirlwind.

We moved in three weeks ago, but spent much of that time away: in Idaho and New York. Would you rather live in Boise, Idaho, or New York City? Both sort of nice and sort of horrible at the same time, in pretty much opposite ways. NYC smells like garbage and urine, but I love it. Or, I would love it, if only public restrooms were not protected like they were made of gold, and if there was somewhere to sit down. You know, other than The Park. Boise is a nice place, but it's Idaho. But they have Winco, and Target. That would be a tough decision for me to make, but I think I'd have to go the NY route. Steve might not join me, though.

If Blogger would let me post pictures, I'd show you the distant picture we took of Michael Emerson, aka Benjamin Linus, after we passed by him, a few feet away on 55th St. There is probably no celebrity sighting that could have been more awesome for me. If you have no idea who I'm talking about, please go to abc.com and watch Lost, starting with Season One, and don't stop until you've heard every character say, "Don't tell me what I can't do," at least once. I'd also post pics of other celebs with whom I had up-close encounters: Motley Crue, David Letterman and Paul Shaffer, a key actor in one of the temple movies, and Will Smith, who shook our hands. I'm pretty much lamenting that I lack finesse when it comes to gawking. If I see someone famous, I don't bug him/her or ask for a photo, but dang it if I don't do a lot of surreptitious pointing and whispering. I'm trying to work on my cool factor in this regard.

Also, we became chummy with this guy on the plane ride home. He was coming home from fashion week in Milan, and he answered our incessant questions about the modeling world {lots of cocaine; his agent gets 20%; if someone tells you she modeled for Abercrombie and Fitch, laugh in her face: worst paying gig around}. Our young friend Nate {discovered at a Jamba Juice in Coeur d'Alene, Id; has a girlfriend; wants to own a masonry business when he grows up} told me some of the current ads he's in, so I knew to look for him at Express. I went to the mall this weekend, and there he was, up on the wall. It was fun.

Anyway, New York. My brother Ryan came to the city from Philly to hang out with me, and we had a great time. The day may or may not have included taking multitudinous pictures of the word "Frick," sneaking into a planetarium show, and running haphazardly through the streets of Chinatown late at night trying to find East Broadway, which no one knows exists and where the English isn't spoken, to catch a bus that hopefully isn't headed to Atlantic City when one has to catch a plane in Philadelphia in a couple of hours.

Other highlights heretofore not mentioned: a wicked Broadway show, pastrami and cheesecake at the overpriced Carnegie Deli, people watching in West Village, having no one to answer to for 6 days, wandering the streets by myself, shopping wherever I wanted to for as long as I felt like it, not paying for the nice hotel room, nice friends to meet up with, the Brooklyn Bridge at night, church in Harlem with an overbearing organist, time with Steve, getting selected to sit up front at Letterman, the Hello Deli, still getting emotional at Ground Zero, knowing my kids were in good hands, sleeping in, 20 restaurants on every block. Not so great: our anti-Semitic, anti-everything cab driver and the taxi ride from hell; and sitting on the tarmac for 2 hours, while a fire in the control tower worked itself out at JFK.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to post pictures, but most likely, by then I will have lost the desire to do so. Au revoir and good night.


Kalli Ko said…
uh, mr. nate can sit next to me on a plane anytime...

i wholly agree that NYC smells like piss and garbage. That's the exact same comment i made after visiting for the first time. i'd never seen a place where people just put their trash on the street, like that's where it belongs. so weird.

but it is still pretty cool
Nancy said…
I've been to NY once and was in love with it. Maybe not to live there, but there are endless things to do, people to see and places to go. I think it's time I go back.
Spicedogs said…
It's not that difficult to add a picture in blogger. You just click on the icon "Add immage" and you will get a popup that will allow you to add from your computer or from a URL.
Spicedogs said…
Ooops, sorry about the typo. It's "Add Image."
Angela said…
I'm Soooooo jealous of your trip! Glad you had a good time, and you should post pictures for sure so I can live vicariously through you.
austinmcraig said…
It sounds like it was fantastic, I've never been outside JFK airport, I'm really jealous. See you at the reunion.
austinmcraig said…
Also, I've decided to take up modeling. It doesn't look that hard.
Christie K said…
I wish we would have know you were there, we would have love to meet up with you. We only live about 2 1/2 hours away. Maybe next time?
Christen Noelle said…
Emily your trip sounded fabulous! I always enjoy reading anything you put in words...you have a gift! Can't wait to see the pics!
MarySue said…
Oh please do post the pics. I need a photo vacation.
pam said…
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. If you don't post pictures, you can show them to us tomorrow and tell us the details. Glad your family did well while you were gone. You have one great mother.
Jennifer said…
Emily, the trip sounds incredible. I am now transferring my jealousy of Sarah's Atlantis trip to your NYC trip. I am happy to hear that you rode a hopeful bus, which is much better than riding a bus that's in a state of despair...

Also happy to hear about your passion for Lost; I am wholly committed myself. Just one question: Jack or Sawyer?

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