Things you wouldn't know if I didn't have a blog

Good news! Today I really had nowhere to be until my 8 PM yoga class, so I woke up, assessed my attire, found it fitting for the yoga class, and stayed in it all day. Now, as I run through my routine of time-wasting sites on the computer because I'm procrastinating getting ready for bed (like I always do ["I'm too tired to get ready for bed!"]), I'm realizing that I'm already wearing clothes I can sleep in. Nice, and I'm not even being sarcastic.

Also nice: going to Target in the 9 to 10 PM hour.

Not very nice, but funny: The lady checking out the clothes rounders at Target next to me, talking on her phone to a very talkative gentleman, then hanging up on him in the middle of his long-windedness, not because she's mad, but because -- as I soon find out -- her stepson is boring her with the detailed drama of trying to get back with his ex-wife. She'll tell him later that her phone died. Stepmoms are not to be trusted!

Well, good night. Don't think I'm gross because I stayed in my pajamas for what will end up being around 36 hours. You all should try it.


Sarah said…
How's yoga going?

Stepmoms aren't so bad.
Anonymous said…
Don't have to try it, have already done it. Have done it more than I'd care to admit. I was reading someone's blog who said that she felt like she had to dress down into sweats when she went to Wal Mart so that she wouldn't stand out. It kind of depressed me to realize that I am that person at Wal Mart making her feel uncomfortable for actually wearing real clothes! It is nice to have one less thing to worry about though.

That Mom? So sad! Next time someone's phone dies on me, I'll have to wonder, hmmm....?
abby said…
I don't have anything to say because you saw me my yoga clothes from the night before.
Wendy said…
I'm with you on the comfort of long-pajama-wearing. As long as you have little ones in the home, it is nothing to be ashamed of. (I use my kids as excuses for just about everything. That probably makes me a bad mom, doesn't it?)
AliceK[i]ND said…
Been there, done that. And now I don't feel so bad about it. :)
AliceK[i]ND said…
And I can testify that Sarah is the best stepmom in the WORLD!
Nancy said…
I had Hallie tell on me last week to Courtney when I was still in my P.J.'s for too long. Somedays it's just like why bother getting dressed?
*JULIA* said…
A trip to Target that time of night IS nice but taking that late of a trip to Walmart is really scary. Try to avoid it!
Anonymous said…
(Sigh!) so glad you have a blog, this is precisely the kind of stuff I want to know about all my friends.
Suzie Petunia said…
I miss my friend, emily. I wish we could go out to eat and chat. How about in April? Wish it could be sooner...
Brooke said…
oh, oh, oh... i'm always too tired to get ready for bed.
austinmcraig said…
I pull that pajama trick virtually any time I can get away with it, which thankfully isn't often.

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