But when I go back, I get to watch tv
Dentist in Phoenix: old guy, dingy office, low-tech = hardly any cavities at all
Dentist in Provo: young guy, super duper duper nice office, high-tech everything and I mean everything = 2 crowns and 3 cavities
Now, maybe any wives of dental reps out there can answer this question for me: Is it because of the advanced capabilities of the high-tech equipment that the Provo dentist noticed my teeth need a lot of work, OR, is it because the Provo dentist spent a lot of money on his office and his equipment (and they need to get paid off) that my teeth suddenly need a lot of work?
Dentist in Provo: young guy, super duper duper nice office, high-tech everything and I mean everything = 2 crowns and 3 cavities
Now, maybe any wives of dental reps out there can answer this question for me: Is it because of the advanced capabilities of the high-tech equipment that the Provo dentist noticed my teeth need a lot of work, OR, is it because the Provo dentist spent a lot of money on his office and his equipment (and they need to get paid off) that my teeth suddenly need a lot of work?
Case in point: When Mark and I were dating, I had a very sore tooth, and went to see my dentist (old guy, dingy office, zero technology). He found no problem with my tooth and suggested I might not be flossing well enough because "sometimes a popcorn kernel can get wedged under your gums!" UM, NO!!!!. I was in terrible pain when I drank or ate anything cold or hot or bit down on that tooth. So that includes pretty much everything. Mark wanted me to see a younger, hipper guy, but those were the types that did't take my trashy insurance.
So I lived with the pain through our courtship, wedding, honeymoon and then finally went to see a REAL dentist with advanced technologies, etc. He immediately found the problem with his advanced technologies. I had to get a root canal thanks to DDS #1.
So the moral of the story is absolutely stick with your high-falutin' dentist. He'll take care of you. As Mark says, "Don't chinze(sp?) on your health. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
I saw Tiffany over Turkey week...I am totally spacing what she named her kid, AK would remember. She's as gorgeous, fun, and successful as usual.