What is heaven, you ask?

Heaven is having the UPS man ring your doorbell, being fully dressed, and opening the door to find the most delicious of surprise packages awaiting.

Heaven is a whole box of Godiva chocolates, each one a work of art, and a work of lovely decadence. From your best friend, who's also your sister-in-law, and from your brother, too, because he signed the card by default. Because you told her you'd never had them before. And because she's happy for you that your husband got a new job, even though it will take you far away from her. And because she wants to celebrate your happiness with you in being married for ten years.


Thank you, ever so much, Diana and Neil, for the deliciousness of your love and your chocolate offering. Both are fantastically sweet and incomparable.

{WARNING: DO NOT, under any circumstances, play the YouTube video you will find when you link to Diana and Neil's blog. I repeat, do not play the video. Insanity will ensue. You have been warned.}

{P.S. Steve, please do not feel bad about how I gushed about the chocolates, but not about being married to you in the last post. You ought to know that your love is better than chocolate, better than anything else that I've tried.}


Anonymous said…
AliceK[i]ND said…
Ah, Godiva. I had my first taste of bliss on Valentine's Day when Jay and I were engaged. He has given them to me every V-day since, as well as Mother's Day. They are simply amazing!
Carina said…
It's a long way down from the place where we started from.
abby said…
Good song.

Diana is seriously so thoughtful.
Chelle said…
Love Sarah. Love chocolate. Love Anniversaries. Did NOT love that song on Diana's blog. It's now stuck in my head. Oh boy. You said not to, but I know I'm not the only one that went straight there and clicked 'play'. Regretful... that's how I feel right now.
Anonymous said…
Is it better than the dance that Nancy's did to that song, where she came flying down the carpet stairs on her knees?
Anonymous said…
That's supposed to read, "Nancy's friend."
Emily said…
Well, I don't know about that, Stephen, but I will say this: your love is better than chocolate rain!
pepper said…
Diana, I have never had them before either...
Neil and Diana said…
I just read your blog! You are so sweet! Chelle: OK, I realize that I do 90% of the posting on neilplusdiana, but it is not "Diana's blog" in the case of chocolate rain! You have to believe me! That was Neil all the way! Steve: Nancy danced on her knees to chocolate rain?

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