
I like it when siblings get married, because each new spouse brings with her/him an entire little village of people that I get to know and see at family celebrations, and usually the two-degrees-of-separation people are all exceptionally cool. At least that's how it has worked with all the spouses my siblings and Steve's siblings have chosen thus far. (Pressure's on for you, Austin, to marry a girl with fantastic people.) Lots and lots of happening people--yea, bloggers-- that I encounter just happen to be sisters-in-law of sisters-in-law, or something like that. I love it! If I weren't such a lazy blogger, I would link to many of them. But I'm lazy, so I'll just mention a few. There's NieNie, whom I like to think about when crazy people I know try to tell me that my children will not be normal if I raise them in Provo. Hello!? Nie Nie grew up there and is beyond normal! There's her best friend Reachel, who is the nicest and most fashionably lovely girl I may ever meet -- also a sister-in-law of a sister-in-law. There's the delightful Alice, whom I'd like to book to sing at my funeral. (Are you available, Alice?) There's Wendy from flippinsweet who has the most beautiful and inspiring family, and don't ever sit behind them in church if you want your own kids to look as though they're well-behaved -- they'll skunk you in the well-behaved department. She's the sister of a brother-in-law. Also Debi, with whom I grew up. She is the brave mother of six boys and the sister-in-law of a brother-in-law. There's my dear Eliza from trestresbon who may as well be a member of my family, but is the sister of a sister-in-law. There are more, but you get the idea. That was awfully lazy of me, wasn't it, to not link to them. Sorry.

Anyway, that was a loquacious way to get to the point of this post, which is that Liz, the lovely sister-in-law of my brother-in-law, was very very kind and made me a few headers for my blog. They are awesome. However, I cannot for the life of me get the images to load to my customizable template, so I can't use them. Yet. So I'm posting them here so her efforts were not all in vain, and I will figure it out soon. It's probably a browser thing. Thank you, Liz -- so much!


I vote for the one with the chair and the hanging light.

Great job Liz! And great job siblings and accompanied villages!
Carina said…
So cute! I like them all.

And not normal if you grow up in Provo? Can you be normal and NOT grow up in Provo? Cjane, NieNie, Jolly Porter, Darlybird, Downstage Left, the Sandbergs and I wouldn't know.
Neil and Diana said…
Em, did you try saving the .jpg, i.e., dragging it to your desktop, and then getting it off your computer for the header customization?
Sarah said…
I vote for the second one too. Good job Liz!
Buby + Bleu said…
All of the headers are so cute. I'm into chairs myself, so I vote for that one if you can ever figure out how to post it.

I love your little blog stories, by the way. I saw your profile when you commented on my blog, and it seems we share some traits. We're both Sags, my favorite song is "You Are My Sunshine," and I USED TO live in Arizona. I'm only 30 though. Haha!
Sarah said…
Oh and today is Liz's birthday to boot! Happy Birthday Mrs. Bryant!
Emily said…
The chair is my favorite.

I know, Azucar, I know. I think about the rest of, too. Normal, all of you.

I did save it to my desktop, D. I don't know what's wrong.

Buby, don't believe anything you see on my profile. Well, except my age and birthday.

Happy birthday, Liz!
elizabeth said…
I wish I could help you post them but I don't know what's wrong! Sorry!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Chelle said…
I love the blue one, the third one. Yes, they are all lovely.

You'll have to move to SLC for a chance at raising 'em normal. Can you guess where I live?
Eliza said…
I like the chair one the best also.

Don't know if this will help, but for my header image I put it in the HTML (go to Layouts, then Edit HTML)...this was before I figured out how to use the do-it-yourself layouts. First I posted the picture to the Web (used Photobucket) and then plugged the image URL into the template HTML under the "Header" code.

You can look at the Page Source of my blog to figure it out...or...not! Just thought I'd offer that roundabout way in case you get desperate.

*this is what it looks like in the HTML: background:url("")
Eliza said…
(OK so the whole URL didn't post, but you get the idea, maybe)
{Erica} said…
I like the one in the middle (chair)...I grew up right under the "Y" in Provo...and proud of it :D (went to school -elementary through high school with nie nie)
Sarah said…
eliza, tell me more about do-it-yourself layouts. How does that work. I would love some knowledge on this subject.
Nancy said…
I'm also digging the chair. What about how the girl who commented that she had a crush on your husband in high school is the sister in law of your sister in law's, sister in law. Don't I get in on the action too?
Nancy said…
P.S. I'm trying to get Austin married too, maybe we should post some great blogs about him and get him a few dates from some of these cute girls sister's in laws.
Eliza said…
Sarah, care to elaborate? I'm not sure what you would like to know.

By do-it-yourself BTW I meant the new Blogger layout interface where you can just click on a color or font, for example, instead of entering in a color or font code. I used to be a little bit resistant to "new blogger" and fiddled around with HTML by looking at other people's pages and copying them. I am thinking that (HTML fiddling) is actually what you are curious about, but maybe I am wrong.

Sorry to threadjack, Emily, and I think that is the first time I have used that word.
austinmcraig said…
Nancy, no need to prod. In fact, I'd recommend you not.
Em, your kids'll be fine, just keep them grounded. I'm sure you'll expose them to the variety of the world. Looking forward to you getting here.
Anonymous said…
Emily, that was a clever post, as they all are.
Anonymous said…
As far as the headers go, I like them all, but especially the second and third.
And as far as the in-laws and clans go, I can't wait to get me some! (when my siblings marry.)
AliceK[i]ND said…
Tough choice! That little sister of mine is way talented.
i like the chair one.
i like you a lot.
did you get my e-mail
i am soooo mad i missed you when you came over
i love you lots

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