Not a fun morning

I woke up this morning to a big puddle on the kitchen floor and an unfrozen freezer-ful of food. It took me a long while to clean out the freezer (melted popsicle juice dripping from the top shelf, anyone?), then I just had time to bathe and feed Norah and put her back down for a nap when the doorbell rang.

It was Elliot's friend from school coming to play. That's great! We had invited him for 10 AM and he was right on time. It was also Elliot's friend from school's two parents, whom I had met very casually before, at the door, waiting to be invited in. Oh, okay, come in! Can I offer you a drink? Let's visit for a while. Excuse my pajamas, you see, we had a disaster with the freezer this morning and I'm getting a late start. I didn't mention that none of us had had a morsel of breakfast yet. So we sat and chatted. . .and chatted. . .and chatted. I dropped a subtle hint or two that I would be happy to drop their son off in a few hours if they wanted to get stuff done. No bites, so after a full 80 minutes of chatting -- with me in my pajamas, children starving -- I couldn't stand it any longer and said, "I've really got to get in the shower this morning. Really, let me bring Ryan home in a little while." And I essentially shooed them out the door.

Was that horrible of me? What would you have done? And who has that much time on their hands that mom and dad can go to a playdate with their child and sit and talk for hours? Also, if it's past 11 and you're at someone's house and she is still in her pajamas, isn't it time to excuse yourself so she can start her day? I mean, really.


AliceK[i]ND said…
Holy cow! What dense people! You were totally justified in excusing yourself from entertaining these people with too much free time on their hands. After all, it was their son who was invited, not them, right?

On the other hand, I suppose they wanted to get to know you better to make sure their son wasn't spending time in the home of a weirdo... who wears pajamas all day. :)

I'm so sorry about your freezer. I hope it's not serious. I thought my bottom-drawer freezer was broken once, but it turned out (thankfully) that my toddler had simply opened the door and turned the temperature dial to zero. Whew! Maybe yours will be that simple. Good luck!
Sarah said…
Yikes! What if in the world were they thinking? I hope they don't read your blog.

How's the freezer? If I recall, it's pretty new, right?
Nancy said…
That's kind of funny if it's not you. Mom and Dad, how annoying. I can understand though wanting to meet the parents of the kid your kid is playing with. That's why I bought a door with a peep hole, and don't answer it in such situations. Bad I know, but I probably would have pretened to not be home and forgotten.
Mandy said…
Maybe they heard about your attire with the UPS man and wanted to check things out before they left their son with you. =)
Wendy said…
BOTH parents?! That is priceless. :-)

You did the right thing in my opinion.
pepper said…
Sorry about the messy fridge, no food, no shower and creepy parents day. Hopefully the rest of the day went more smoothly.
and that my friend is WHY i dont do playdates!
Chelle said…
I'm exhausted just thinking of entertaining a play date's parents. I've had such an experience. I came to the conclusion that the mom needed a playdate that day, too. It was tough to not think about all of the other things I needed to be doing (would rather be doing) other than having polite playdate conversation with my son's friend's mom. ugh.

So sorry about the kitchen puddle. no fun.
Anonymous said…
ummm, weird! Linger-Longers are most irksome, even when they're invited. And to have to entertain them in your PJs on the heels of your melt-down (freezer) -- bad on all counts.
Eliza said…
I can see if a burned out mom needs a playdate too...but a mom and dad who are both home during the day to go to a son's playdate probably aren't burned out. They definitely have too much time on their hands.

And you would think that if they wanted to get to know you better, they could stay for 5 mins, scope out the place, make sure no one was going to die or be neglected, and make a date for dinner together or something. Or maybe they don't do babysitters either. Maybe they have never had a babysitter or a play date and really have a hard time breaking up the family unit. I am spending way too much time exploring the options here. Sorry about your morning.
it seems that in general, people that do that sort of thing are the type that are also oblivious, which won't get their feelings hurt if you shoo them out because they won't even get that that is what you are doing.
AmyJune said…
Ihave to say that I think it is really weird that both parents showed up for a play date. And sorry about your freezer, what was the problem?
Emily said…
Thank you, commenters, for justifying my existence, or at least my dislike for overstaying of the welcome. When I invited Ryan over, I said to his mom, "You are welcome to come in and check us out, make sure it's okay to leave your son!" She laughed and said, "Oh, we know it's okay."

Then when they got here, they saw a (relatively) clean house, we talked about how my kids have limited computer/game time, if Ryan was allowed to jump on our trampoline, how we both dislike toy guns, they commented on how quiet it was for having so many boys. Honestly, there was nothing they could have had issues with in our house that would have made them nervous about leaving him with us! I think cjane wins for being dead-on: simply oblivious!

If I ever become famous, or Steve does or something, remind me to get rid of blog posts like this one which target specific people. Thanks.
Carina said…
Maybe they're like me and they don't quite get playdate etiquette. I mean, do you drop off? Do you stay to chat? How long do you chat? I know moms who get offended if you don't stay and chat. I almost makes me want to bring a non-binding contract with me to these things and setting down the house rules.

"The party of the first part agrees to stay a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes unless the party of the second part indicates that an extension is amenable to both parties."
Courtney said…
I can get a mom staying - playdate etiquette is tricky but the dad! Jeff would rather clean the bathroom than go sit at my friends and chit chat.

I liked your comment above about if you were famous you'd have to delete this link. Seeing all the election signs, I was thinking on my drive home yesterday that if I ever run for office I won't get the stripper vote after I complained about all the stripper bumper stickers at Seth's preschool in a previous blog entry.
pam said…
I'm worrying about your freezer. What caused it to go out and were you able to get it fixed?
Emily said…
The suction belt around the edge just isn't sealing very well. We have to make sure it is completely shut tightly, or it doesn't stay shut. Luckily, it has worked fine since that day, and I daresay it's even fun to look into my freezer and see lots of clean, empty space since I cleaned it out so thoroughly the other day. Do you think that suction belt is something we can replace or fix?

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