Meet my dress

Now. Yea or nay?


Suzie Petunia said…
Undecided. But I have no fashion sense, so don't listen to my wishy-washy-ness. I like it better in the second picture than the first. Does that help? Didn't think so...
Eliza said…
I say yay because it is surprising and fun. But because of the color I would also say it needs some good accessories--shoes perhaps, and/or a great belt or necklace. And a great coif. I am sure you have all of these.
Courtney said…
You're thin enough I think you can pull it off. I think you need a good heel to go with it.
Anonymous said…
I love it! Very hip and stylish! Just pair it with some bright heels/wedges. Like a bold yellow or red or something. And a big bangle bracelet and some cute earrings. You'll be the star at church.
Carina said…



Anonymous said…
I dig it, Em. I just love an outfit that consists of ONE item, that you don't have to layer seven tanktops and t-shirts under...throw that baby on with some bold accessories and you'll be turning heads.
austinmcraig said…
A solid yea. But I'm no expert.
Chelle said…
Since I have none of the accessories that would make that dress a "go"... I could never pull it off. I'm with my SuzieP-- My fashion sense is lacking. I am swayed by others comments that there is a way to pull it off. Can't wait to hear the final decision.
Nat D said…
I go between a hearty "yea" and a thought that it was made from the curtains my mom made for the kitchen windows in 1982. I also like the second picture better than the first. The first is too similar to the curtains.
Emily said…
Natalie's comment is the clincher for me: I'm totally wearing the dress. Not everyone has a dress that looks like 1982 curtains. How rad is that!
Nancy said…
I actually like it. You are skinny enough to pull it off (it wouldn't look good on me), and with the right accessories the only looks you'll get from old ladies are looks of admiration!
Jord said…
Go for it Emily! I only hope I'm there to see it in person. :)
AmyJune said…
Very hip but I have to admit that I do have a problem with anything remotely maternity looking. I know it's "in" to wear very loose fitting tops and stuff but I just can't do it yet. I feel like people might look and she pregnant? I'll stick to my tighter fitting stuff for now but I'll come around someday.
abby said…
Okay, but can I still borrow it?
Neil and Diana said…
Definitely cool. I would wear it with perky blush.

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