Norah's 6-month-give-or-take-a-few-weeks pictures

Do you like my baby's over-the-shoulder gaze into the camera? So sophisticated! The bottom and the top pictures were the ones I bought, cropped better.

FYI: The Picture People disappeared into oblivion, just about, closing 100 stores overnight. Kiddie Kandids is not my fave. Read ahc's comment on this post to learn how she and I both feel about the "double K syndrome."


Courtney said…
She is looking more like Elliott to me in these pics.

I am right there with you on the Double K thing. I do not understand the appeal of purposely misspelling things.
lys said…
What a doll! I love the over-the-shoulder one!
Anonymous said…
Darling Darling. Say no to double K's.
amyegodfrey said…
Absolutely adorable. She's a knockout! Please, may I have a photo?
abby said…
Not everyone can pull off the serious over the shoulder look- Norah's a natural!
Neil and Diana said…
What a babe! She's totally old-fashioned. I look forward to learning about double K's after work.
Nancy said…
Cute pictures, I can't believe they got so many good ones, my kids never cooperate at those kinds of things!
Christen Noelle said…
The first one is my fav!
Jord said…
What a sweetheart! Emily you do have a gorgeous girl and I love the brown Target shoes.
Anonymous said…
We do good work. Of coarse, you and Norah deserve all the credit.

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