
Steve has four sisters.

His cute sister Katie is a designer with excellent style and taste. Her current endeavors involve designing and selling baby products that will generate a gazillion compliments when your baby uses them. Just today, I was using my new Katie-designed sling, and someone asked me about it. This is a funky picture for some reason, but I kind of like the effect. This is Katie and this is one of her slings.

This is her website, which is not quite operational. She also sells the slings here.

Watch for her adorable baby shoes next! They are gorgeous.

Steve's sister Nancy is also cute and is also, wouldn't you know it, talented. She also designs and sells very cute baby items. Visit her blog if you want her to make one of these fabulous bags for you, in any fabric of your choosing.


Courtney said…
I love Katie's shoes (Mandy has some for Laney) but this is the first I've heard of the sling. You'll have to let me know how you like it. And, of course I love Nancy's bags - since I'm the proud owner of one.
abby said…
Such cute stuff. I need to get me one of those slings, stat.
Fun products. Why don't you do a give-away?
amyegodfrey said…
Yeah, I've got to contact Nancy about those bags.
Anonymous said…
yes, why don't you do a giveaway. Lovely, lovely items Craig sisters.
AmyJune said…
I love those bags and shoes. So cute!!!!!Can I be related to them too?
Nancy said…
Emily, you are too funny and very sweet, and thanks for the mention in your blog. I'll have to do something creative now to live up to the reputation!
lys said…
I REALLY like that black bag! I think that you should do a giveaway. . . (You know, pay it forward for the red bag that you won. . .)
Christen Noelle said…
I love the sling!
I love the shoes!
I love the bags!

I didn't realize Steve had such talented sisters...doesn't surprise me with all his many talents...Thanks for sharing!
AmyJune said…
I agree with Alyssa

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