Will someone please take me waterskiing this summer?

Hello, 88 degrees.

Hello, swimsuits.

Good morning, going swimming.

Goodbye, friend who asked me this weekend if I wanted to go on Weight Watchers with her.

Hello, I'm quite happy with my body just the way it is.

Goodbye, white, pale skin.

Hello, goodbuy, good ad campaign by Target.

Hi, that reminds me I need to go to Target.

Goodbye, I'm late for my appointment with the sunshine.


No she didn't ask her if you wanted to go on WW with her. No she didn't. Please.
Christen Noelle said…
Emily, Didn't you hear WW is the next new click in our ward! Of course I can only be part by way of support since I am entitled to an extra 300 calories per day for the next 4 1/2 months, yay!!!

Enjoy the Sunshine!
Bek said…
Wow... I have been doing the WW thing online (down 8 pounds this month thankyouverymuch) but I would never ask someone to go on it... unless... wait, it wasn't me was it? ;-)

I saw on the news that you guys were at 90 last weekend. Yowza. We had an 80 degree day or two here last week and that was plenty hot for me....

We are going swimming tonight too. We have also started to eat outside again, my allergies are acting up... it is spring for sure...
lys said…
I'm jealous of your 88 degrees.

In August I won't be jealous of your 120 degrees though. . .
Anonymous said…
why don't you guys just buy the boat and then invite US to go waterskiing?
Neil and Diana said…
Will you teach me how to waterski? Should we plan fam vacays for July and August too?
abby said…
Is someone buying a boat?
everydayjami said…
Talk to Nena. Her family bought a boat last year and they go all the time. I know they'd love to take you out. Ask Nena to make some of her famous "boat sandwiches."
AmyJune said…
Someone asked you to go on WW. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.
Anonymous said…
I hope it didn't sound like that the time I asked if you wanted to go on South Beach with me. The only reason I wanted you to go on it was that I didn't think I'd really be able to go on it without your support.

Anyway, I've eaten about a quarter of a 10-inch chocolate bunny today.

South Beach was fun while it lasted, but not nearly as effective as the all-stress, all-work diet, which appears to be not working any more either.
Suzie Petunia said…
How lucky am I that two of my best friends own boats?! Come visit us this summer!
Nena said…

Let's go waterskiing!! We could have a couples day...me, you, jami, and our significant others. I have wetsuits for everyone.
You are darling and have a darling figure...good for you for letting people know.
Nancy said…
Emily, what are you guys doing for Easter? Did you know every time I tell the kids we are running errands they think we're going to your house? Dallas used to until I got him to realize the difference, now Hallie does it. Sorry, I can't take you waterskiing.
Emily said…
Oh, Nena! We are so on! Will you make some of your famous boat sandwiches? I love that idea!

Nancy, let's have Easter together.
Anonymous said…
I highly doubt that the WW comment was meant as a stab at your weight. It was probably meant as a friendly gesture to join into “the click“ as christen put it. Why would someone want to purposefully hurt your feelings? Doubtful that they did. I think you should give that person the benefit of the doubt.
Anonymous said…
The above Anonymous comment was me. I couldn't figure out how to put my name in. Sorry
Emily said…

I loved that you commented and I think you should start a blog. I'll do WW if you start a blog, because seriously, who am I kidding? I could use some discretionary eating habits, for sure.

That person who asked me to go on WW knows that I adore her and that I am not offended and I hope she remembers that I am bringing Jacob home from school tomorrow.
Kelly(M&M) said…
Hi Emily,

Like Sarah said, I would love to take you out on our boat, you just have to come visit Oregon. Doesn't that sound like a great vacation?! We love having visitors and bringing people on the boat. (Although last year was pathetic and we only got it out a few times. We will change that this year!!)

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