Gag me with a Michael Stipe

That's what Steve said once when, in college, I listed the singer as The Man of My Dreams in a spotlight questionnaire.

R.E.M. is probably my favorite band of all time. Congratulations to them on a much-deserved induction!


lys said…
In junior high I taped the video to "Stand" and rewound it over and over again so that I could learn the little dance that they did. That was my first taste of R.E.M. I soon discovered that all their "good stuff" is not played on the radio.

My high school was called Rockville High School and every year at the senior banquet they played "Don't Go Back to Rockville. . . and Waste Another Year. . ."
Anonymous said…
Gag me with a Michael Stipe.
amyegodfrey said…
Can't say I would recognize an R.E.M. tune. Is that pathetic?
abby said…
...LEONARD BERNSTEIN! (I know you and Diana know all words, so you don't need to brag about it.)
Emily said…
That's Aaron's favorite song.
Nancy said…
I went to an R.E.M. concert in High school and when they were singing night swimming, they had this big screen behind them and naked people were swimming on it. I was pretty shocked, young and innocent as I was. That's my R.E.M. memory for you.
Anonymous said…
Does Steve really not like REM? I would have taken him for a fan. Night Swimming is a great song. Naked or not.
*ethan* said…
i like R.E.M. and I liked Michael Stipe too.

See we aren't total opposites!
*ethan* said…
shoot, i just realized i was logged in as my husband...this is actually natalie :(
Anonymous said…
critical mass? tipping point? whatever the term is, arcade fire just clinched around 9:06 eastern today. greatest since r.e.m.!
Anonymous said…
fyi, i don't care for the arcade fire.
Emily said…
Never heard of 'em. I'm living in the 80s.
Anonymous said…
I do actually like REM. The summer that "Green" came out, I bout the tape and listened to it over and over.

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