It's cold in Utah

I'm writing from the grand state of Utah, where someone forgot to alert the authorities about it being Spring. Just today, I traversed the grander state of Idaho, learned from Elliot about manitees and mermaids and how people sometimes get them confused; discussed with Aaron if bad people really know they're bad or if, as he thinks, they think they're good and the good people are bad; cleaned up two poopy messes and one vomity mess, or rather, lent support to my husband while he cleaned it up. And more, much more.

Now I'm going bowling.


Suzie Petunia said…
Please tell me you are coming to Oregon and that you will visit me. Oh, please???

Sorry about the poo and vomit - it just comes with traveling with kids, don't you think? I also always try to be VERY supportive as I make Taylor clean up the ucky mess. :) Was bowling fun?
abby said…
Sparklers are more fun than bowling anyway.
pepper said…
Are you stopping by Zion on the way home next week?
lys said…
So, can you send the memo about spring to us? PLEASE!!
Nancy said…
sorry about the weather, and poo and vomit, it probably got better at one point right?
Emily said…
Yeah, I didn't mean for that to sound like a downer post. We had fun.

Pep, I wish we could see you at Zion! Have a ton of fun!
AliceK[i]ND said…
Sounds like it's time to come home to beautiful AZ. :)

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