
My life is crazy right now. For some reason, I volunteered to run the silent auction at the school carnival, give a bridal shower, organize a temple trip, teach preschool, and unpack from a vacation all in the same week. Oh, I also decided to potty train my poops-four-times-a-day two-year-old, but that one got postponed real fast. (Note to self: buy more underwear for that kid to replace the ones you threw away today.) Those are just the extra things to do on top of the usual. . .get the car washed and tires rotated, go to Costco, pay the bills, clean the house, help the kid with the homework, go to the PTSA meeting. Why do I list these things? Is it so those who may venture here will think I am very busy, and therefore very important? Why yes, deep down, I think it is. Busyness=importance. No? I ask my working friends: how do you get it all done?

Perhaps I speak of such matters because I am turning into my mom (how many times have I heard, "Today was go, go, go. I have not had five minutes to myself"?) (Ahc, is the question mark outside the quotations okay in this instance?) Perhaps--and this is most likely--it is because I want to write about the fabulous weekend I had and have not been able to justify taking the time to do so, and so instead I preface a blog entry with how stressed out I am, and that makes it okay to sit down at the computer, as long as I stay on task (stressing about how I am stressing is on task where I come from.)

So preface aside, here is what I really want to say:

I spent the weekend with 11 of the most beautiful and amazing women on this planet. All of my friends are beautiful and amazing, but to have 11 together for a fun weekend was a beautiful and amazing experience. All twelve of us lived together in the dorms our freshman year at BYU and have stayed remarkably close. I came away from our fun reunion with renewed love and respect for each of them.

The numbers are impressive. Of the 12, all are college graduates and active members of the church, sealed in the temple. All are mothers and homeowners. Four went on missions; at least three have graduate degrees; four or five are marathon runners (what are the chances??). All of the girls I was with are gorgeous and smart and talented beyond just your (my) average everyday talents. Several have had tremendous heartache and used it for opportunity to grow. One has blessed thousands of people with her example of unwavering faith in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Amy, Alyssa, Catherine, Cori, Cynthia, Heidi, Julianne, Kari, Kristen, Michelle and Sarah: thank you for being such "cute friends" and for making me laugh and making me want to be better. I love you and am amazed by you!

Now, about preschool tomorrow. . . .


Anonymous said…
Em, You made me cry. The weekend was wonderful and would have been perfect if it had just been longer. Love you--CPH
Anonymous said…
Emily, You said it beautifully. I have been marveling about our experience this weekend and all the growth we have experienced in the past 12 years. I feel energized and ready to do good. Thank you and I love you. HTH
Anonymous said…
We really are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends. I'm still marveling at how impressive each person is and I'm already counting down the days until our next reunion.

Love you!
Anonymous said…
I hear that several of the girls are married to lawyers or aspiring lawyers. I also hear that Michelle has a tinge of contempt (my own words) for plaintiff's lawyers. During one of my first real good chew-outs a few years ago my boss told me that if I couldn't get it together I'd have to settle for being one of those defense lawyer clowns at the big firms we litigate against. ...I'm still here, so draw your own conclusions. Must be like Moot court in law school when you got randomly assigned to either defense or plaintiff, and after two days you couldn't believe how the guys assigned to the other point of view could be such idiots. Here life has assigned me. Speeking of assignments, I've always thought it was beautiful that you were all assigned to room together and otherwise be "sweet mates". I was glad to get to know many of you Freshman year, even if I wasn't part of the phone mail ring. You are wonderful people, and we're blessed to know you.
Anonymous said…
The reunion was so much fun. I really am amazed at how good of friends we all are after all these years. We shared so many experiences in that formative year in the dorms. I guess it is true-old friends are the best friends.
Suzie Petunia said…
Last weekend was so amazing, I am overwhelmed to even think about blogging about it. You conveyed my sentiments very well, Em. Everyone I have told about the weekend is amazed that 12 women could still be this close after all this time. I haven't laughed so hard since we actually lived in the dorms together! I felt like we picked up right where we left off 11 years ago without missing a beat. What an amazing group of women I have for friends!
neil said…
return of the provo 12 (?)
Emily said…
A classic, for sure.
Anonymous said…
Awwwww. . . that's so cute, Steve!

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