
makes a sharp knife.


AmyJune said…
oh dear! When I first got cutco knives I had several incidents.
Carina said…
I also cut myself the first time using a Cutco.
Anonymous said…
oh, my! I knew I should have called you tonight. How bad? Stitches? AG
Emily said…
It's kind of nasty. I think I can get by without stitches. It didn't stop bleeding for more than an hour, so a nurse in my ward wrapped it up at Relief Society and made me hold it above my head all night.
Neil and Diana said…
Oh no! I am so sorry. I hope it heals quickly.
Sarah said…
Ouch! It makes me a little queazy just thinking about it. Did you cut yourself, and then go to R.S.?
Emily said…
Yeah, I had to set up and conduct.
abby said…
gives me the shivers.

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