He has horizontal mobility

Calvin was six months

then he was seven months

Norah was too sexy for her Easter hat

and the boys swam at Nana and Papa's.


Sarah said…
he's crawling? do you have a gate for your stairs?
Anonymous said…
That brought a smile to my early-morning face! I love all the pictures. Can't wait to see the kids next month! AG
Nancy said…
cute pics Emily, love Norah in her hat!
amyraye said…
absolutely love that first photo of calvin. what a beautiful craig.
AmyJune said…
I love that first one of Calvin. Thanks for the great email this morning. ha ha
pam said…
I've been waiting for pics of the swimming in Arizona. Norah should wear her hat more often. Great smile on Calvin and you.
abby said…
i love all of these pictures a lot, but especially the Fancy Norah ones.

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