The fact is

Suppose you're driving along in rural Utah, and come upon this sign:

Do you

a) Keep going and risk getting shot by the angry cowboy who commissioned this very large sign
b) Turn around and find some other, less controversial place to have your picnic in the mountains
c) Get out your red marker and fix the spelling mistake
d) Assume your very best affected rural accent and quote the sign for the rest of the day
e) Feel just a twinge of homesickness for Arizona, because this sign is just so Utah
f) Revisit your understanding of COMMUNISM


amyegodfrey said…
b through f. Weird and sad and psycho stuff.
abby said…
um i actually think he has a point. COMMUNIST.
amyraye said…
thanks for giving me something to do. i actually clicked on the picture to enlarge it so i could identify the spelling errors.

weird and totally utah. what DID you do?
Carina said…
All of the above?
Neil and Diana said…
I thought there had to be due process. What happened?
Emily said…
Diana, my lawyer husband tells me that there must be a provision that if land has been treated as though it is open to the public for a certain number of years (15 or something), then it becomes a public easement. I don't know. What I do know is that I want to hear all about the wedding. Call me.
lauren said…
hahahaha!!!! Red pen definitely.
Sarah said…
too many things wrong with this scenario. i would be mad too. what did you do?
~j. said…
c. I've got the red sharpie on my keychain.
AmyJune said…
wow, only in Utah. Thanks for the entertainment. I guess they don't have a spellchecker on sign making machines.
Emz said…
sooo funny. I'll mark this down as reason #478 as to why I don't/won't live in Utah. ;)
Lisa said…
Yeah, Utahns are so dumb and predictable! I'm so glad that I'm not from Utah and I only live hear because the government forced me to (because of my religion)! I wish that I lived in some enlightened state, like New York or Vermont. . . sigh. . . even Colorado would be better!
Emily said…
Damage control here:

Instead of saying "just so Utah," what I should have said is "just so Mormon" because the sign shows anger, but it's a suppressed anger, like "I'm mad about my land being taken by the govt, but I know I should love my neighbor and Brother Newitt is in the next ward over so I'm not going to burn down his house or anything, all I'm going to do is call you an 'inconsiderate trespasser' if you drive on the street that used to be mine."

I didn't mean to bash on Utah, for reals. Love to Lisa, Carina, Carly, Kacy, and other friends who have no love for Utah haters.
Steve said…
d. Quote it for the rest of the day.

"D'ya spose you wouldna married me if I'd talked laik this?"

Ya'll can try yer red pen on that'un.
Becky said…
All I have to say is "God Bless AMERICA!" that He can post his own huge sign and you can blog about it to your hearts content. I love this country, all 50 states!
lys said…
c. . . and then roll my eyes.
Suzie Petunia said…
Definitely the red marker thing. Correct the grammar while you're at it! :)
brandi said…
ha- ha- we chose d when we ran across that sign! heck, i fricken love utah:)

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