Documentaries about nerds rock

I just watched Wordplay. If I had crushes on men other than my husband, I would have a little one on Will Shortz and his geeky crossword puzzle-ness.

It's funny that I don't enjoy crossword puzzles. I usually am very well suited for all things tedious, challenging, left-brained, and time-wasting. Plus, my mom and my dad like them*, which is not only an unusual occurrence, but should mean that I ought to be predisposed. I have no explanation.

*Other things that my mom and dad both like: board and card games (I like), eating out (I always like), movies (not necessarily my favorite), and Abby (everybody likes!)

Update: Steve just offered to memorize all the two-letter words in the dictionary. Who needs geeky crossword puzzle guys when I have Steve? I'll stay true, after all.


Anonymous said…
Emily, you're so funny! I do love crossword puzzles, although I avoid difficult ones. I do one every single night while watching the news and Letterman. I'm also presently obsessed with Scramble, and you know what my status is there-lower on the totem pole than you, Abby and Diana. AG
Anonymous said…
I want to see Wordplay. AG
abby said…
if only they could both love their four other children...
Sarah said…
Your older sister loves them too. What happened to you?
Anonymous said…
Will you still love me even if I don't memorize the list? What about if I just lose more hair and grow a brown mustache?
Anonymous said…
If you like documentaries about nerds, you must see King of Kong.
Anonymous said…
Isn't that the greatest movie? I wanted to cry, cry, cry for the guy who missed winning because he skipped an early word. It made me sick to my stomach. Great movie, though-- I had no idea the crossword world was so intense. ---Rochelle

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