Attn: My Pregnant Friends; RE: Why you should be grateful today

Jordan, Courtney, Pepper, Julianne, Bek, and others of you who may be with child,

Please, today, take time to give thanks that--more than likely--your baby will not look like this upon immediate exit from your body.

Your friend in medium-to-low birthweights,



Carina said…
I was going to make a statement about her probably having had gestational diabetes, but the article actually points it out. Brazil has one of the highest c-section rates in the world.

Wow, I love my 7 and 8 pounders.
Courtney said…
That is crazy. That baby weighs more than my girls combined weights.
*JULIA* said…
Whats wrong with really big babies???
elizabeth said…
My husband was born at 12 pounds.

I hear that's hereditary.

AmyJune said…
Makes my firstborn 10 pounder look like a lightweight.
AliceK[i]ND said…
Wow! I delivered two 10-pounders (my first and last) but that's nothing in comparison! Whew!
pepper said…
This is one category where I wouldn't want to break any world records.
Jord said…
Oh my goodness....that is crazy! I was thinking this baby may be big (8 pounds) but now that sounds like nothing. Thanks for the pre-birthing perspective.
{natalie} said…
that baby scares the crap out of me!! oh my gosh. i had 5 and 6 lbs babies.... yikes.
Bek said…
Ummm, that baby weighs more than my one year old. I threw up a little when I first saw that photo...

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