Bowling is so now

My red bag just came in the mail.

It's cute.

And big. Bowling ball big.

Look for me on the streets of north Phoenix this week: tonght, at an as-yet-undetermined restaurant because I'm too busy unpacking to make dinner; at Costco, because we're desperate for groceries; at the library, because I need to find this month's book club selection that is out of print and therefore not available at Barnes and Noble; at the temple because it's Easter and we are going to take our kids to the Easter pageant; at the park doing an Easter egg hunt, because that's the kind of mom I am.

Yes, look for me. I'll be the one with the big, patent leather bowling bag purse. Please stop me and say hello.

P.S. The real purpose of this post is to tell you that Miss Rachel from Darlybird, the sender of this cute, big, red purse, is fantastic at customer service. She adds a wonderful personal touch, and I'm not just saying that. I have had two good experiences with her little company. This time, she sent me a cute decorated bobby pin because she was a little delayed in mailing my (free) bag. She is great! Buy cute things for yourself or your out-of-town friends here.


lys said…
I covet your bag.
pepper said…
I hope I see you and your red bag this weekend!
AmyJune said…
Now you just need to purchase a bowling ball.
Emily said…
Pepper, I hope I see you, too. Does that mean you are coming to visit me?
Christen Noelle said…
If you have no luck at the library you can borrow my book for quick a reader are you?

Bring your bowling-ball-big purse to book club!
Anonymous said…
If/when you ever get tired of the red bowling bag, maybe it could find a home in Queen Creek. You know, years from now, maybe.
Jord said…
I love to imagine you with the bowling ball bag all around town. My mom had a purse that resembled a bowling ball bag as well and once someone actually asked here if there was a bowling ball in it. :) You may get that lucky.

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