I blog because I don't have a life

Dear Mark,

And you think blogging is pointless! I just won a(nother) bag!

Dear Sarah,

Isn't that funny that we were just talking about this tonight? Do you think I can pull off red patent leather? I don't know. We had fun at the hockey game. Thanks for taking us.


abby said…
Please tell me how you have cornered the giveaway market. I am unabashedly jealous.
Courtney said…
Congrats on winning the bag. I have yet to win any of these giveaways but I still have hope!
amyegodfrey said…
That is very cute! Love the style. The color's not a problem.
Anonymous said…
NOOOO WAAAAAAAY! NO WAY! I love that bag! Was I not just saying how I wanted that bag last night!? You can definitely pull off that red bag! Very Cool!
Bek said…
LCUKY!! Is this the bag from conQueso? Do I get to use it one percent for the time for introducing everyone (including Desgin Mom) to the wonder that is conQueso??? Who am I kidding, she is so great she would have been discovered anyway..,

THAT IS SUCH A GREAT BAG!!!!!!!!!!! Norah's diapers will look great in there!
Christen Noelle said…
Congrats!! I love the red, you can pull it off...You give me hope of winning someday!
Anonymous said…
You can pull it off. Especially with all the high heals you've bought recently.
everydayjami said…
I think you're the modern-day version of Terry Ryan's mom. Remember the Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio? I guess a few of the differences are that instead of finding entries on everyday household items, you just enter online (much better for the environment.) Maybe you should start a club of internet contest winners! Another difference is that you have a great husband!
One of the similarities is that I'm sure your kids will grow up to adore you, just like Terry's mom. Grats on the purse.
Suzie Petunia said…
You lucky gal! Red is my favorite, and gee that would make a great diaper bag! hint hint
Yeah Mark, na na na na na!

Emily now we need to go back to Postino with you and that hot little number! Wowzers!
Nancy said…
how cute, you can definately pull it off! Get some cute red accessories, and it doesn't matter what you wear it with!
Sorry for saying "Yeah Mark, na na na na na!" that was rude and this is a peaceful blog.

But I don't apologize for saying how much I love that bag.
Eliza said…
You can definitely pull that off. Red is the best "neutral"...in my opinion. It goes with everything!
Suzie Petunia said…
Emily, you are the luckiest person I know! I wish some of that would rub off on me. I never win anything! But not for the lack of trying!
Suzie Petunia said…
I think I just commented on a really old post... that I already commented on before! Ha! I need to get a life.

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