I'm taking a poll

Please inform me about your Girl Scout cookie purchasing and eating habits. I would really like to know.
Me? I ordered three boxes of Thin Mints and one box of Samoas. Then, when they were delivered today, I bought two extra boxes, one of each. I ate one box of Samoas, pretty much by myself (mmmm, Samoas!), the kids ate one box of Thin Mints, with help from their friends. I will give the other box of Samoas to Steve to indulge in at work (mmmm, Samoas!). I will give one box of Thin Mints to my neighbor (who is inquisitive, like his wife) because he helped me with Cub Scouts and tools last week. I will anonymously give one box of Thin Mints to a lady I'm supposed to be "Secret Sistering" per a Relief Society dealio. That leaves one box of Thin Mints, that I will probably bust open on Monday when the kids are in school. I'll save just a few for them.
Now, it's your turn. Please inform.
It was fun sitting by you at stake conference and seeing your adorable kids:]
This year, I didn't order any, but they were selling them outside the store yesterday- woo hoo!! Samoas and tagalongs-my fave!! I ate most myself. They were sold out of Thin Mints- Jeff's fave!
No one has mentioned Dreyer's/Edy's "Limited Edition" Girl Scout cookie ice cream that comes out this time of year every year. Thin Mint is the best. No one offered to sell cookies to me this year, so I have had my share of Thin Mint ice cream.
I have to confess, though, that after living in Utah for several years and knowing A LOT of Samoan people, the name seems really odd to me now.
I heart both thin mint and samoas ice creams.