
She's five weeks old and, but for a bad case of baby acne, cuter and bigger than ever.

Will someone teach me how to take pictures?

Congratulations to Becky and Richard on baby no. 5. We can't wait to meet our sweet unnamed new niece/cousin!


Anonymous said…
Norah looks like Auntie Di, don't you think?
Anonymous said…
so cute! I see more Steve in her than I thought. Mostly mom though.
Anonymous said…
She is so cute. It makes me so excited to have a little girl.
Suzie Petunia said…
What a darling girl! She looks so happy and content all snuggled in her pink blankie. :)
amyegodfrey said…
I wish I could see her every day! She's adorable. Nana
Bek said…
Wow. She is one good looking baby. She has so much hair!!! She looks like your boys (and I love the pink blanket....)
Emily said…
Amyjune, I didn't know you were having a girl! Congratulations, and we really must talk more.
Neil and Diana said…
delicious. I want to put whipped cream on her.

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