I cannot stop laughing at this

Credit to a blogger named Liz from whom I stole this little piece of hilarity.


Bek said…
That is great. I hadn't seen that before. Blogging is officially mainstream..........
Anonymous said…
You are such a blogger.
Emily said…
Abby, by "blogger" do you mean to call me a middle-aged dork who revels in self-aggrandizement, but about whom no one really is that interested? Because I'm cool with that.
Anonymous said…
As long as you're cool...

(Of course you're not any of those things!)
Suzie Petunia said…
Kind of sad that it is so true, don't you think? I think I've actually devoted an entire post to Sonic Cream Slushes. And I was recently thinking I should blog about how excited I am that they're opening the first Sonic in the Portland area. Like I said... Sad and true.
Anonymous said…

You really love Sonic, don't you?
Emily said…
Naw, I don't love Sonic. Suzie loves Sonic. I feel guilty if I buy their drinks, for all the loads of sugar. And the food is pretty much crap.

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