Yea Suns!

Having not cable, I was hitting the refresh button to get the updated score via the internet, and it was still tense. I'm always up for some good double-overtime NBA playoff excitement. Especially when the right team wins.

Suns in 6.


Anonymous said…
why is kj always smiling when he gets called for fouls?
Suzie Petunia said…
I had no idea you were such a fan! BTW, Zook has blogged again! Just for you! (in case you forgot...I know I had)
Anonymous said…
I used to watch "The Master" and other prominent Ninja shows in the eighties. So I was wondering (and this has nothing to do with the Suns--at least, I don't think--) why is a chinese throwing star your new personal profile symbol?
Emily said…
n -- I have tried to figure out your comment all day. And I just can't. GIve me more to go on, please.

Miss Suzie Petunia -- hallelujah! (I wish we were related, too.)

My darling husband -- I'm glad you asked. I think it's because when I was searching for a new profile pic, Isaac was playing with his purple ninja. Will our children be watching the prominent Ninja shows of the 00's? Just wondering.
Anonymous said…
you aksed me this (roughly) 13 yrs ago.
Anonymous said…
i love kj. those were the glory days.
Emily said…
You have a quite a memory, my brother. So, why does he?
Anonymous said…
kurt rambis cracked a funny.
Anonymous said…
That Big O sure has long arms.
Emily said…
What a shot. Whataburger!

(Barkley for Gov.)
Anonymous said…
What about the underdog? Go Clippers.
Eliza said…
Go Clippers is right!

Okay, actually, I really don't care, BUT I did spend the first 18 years of my life in that town where the Clippers lived in the shadow of the Lakers . . . and I've never been to Arizona. So there you go.
Anonymous said…
this here's suns country
Anonymous said…
Steve Nash is a babe.

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