That's what it's all about

This weekend,

1. I danced the Hokey Pokey with a room full of sober adults.
2. Steve is retiring his signature back handspring.
3. A giant rugburn wound adorns my husband's forehead.

These three things have everything to do with each other.


Neil and Diana said…
please elaborate. steve, I'm sorry to hear about the wound.
wendysue said…
HI there, I got here via Suzie's Petunias. . .anyway, this reminded me of my favorite bumper sticker ever. . .

What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about??

Steve, kudos for trying. . I can't remember the last time I could do a handspring, oh, that's right, NEVER!!
Anonymous said…
I retired my round-off-back-handspring maybe 5 years ago. Almost did it again when I was early with this child, but decided that wasn't a good time to bring it back. IT may be gone forever. I bet Steve'll bring HIS back some day.
Anonymous said…
Can I tell you how glad I am that you have decided to continue blogging?!! Thank you for keeping me entertained! Love you!
Were you volunteering at the local nursing home?
Anonymous said…
Wow am I sorry that I missed that! Wish I would have been there. I didn't know Steve was such an athlete. I say, don't give up, keep trying... you can only get better.

I'm happy to see that you're still blah, blah, blahging, you have a real talent for clever writing. I love reading your blog.

Have you started "First Light?" I'm going to pick it up Thursday, if you need a copy, let me know.
Emily said…
Jami! Or should I say Jammy?! So nice to get a comment from you! Yes, I do need First Light. Barnes and Noble had to order it and it was $25, so I declined. If you can get it for cheaper, yes, please get me one, too.

Diana and CJane, it went like this-- we were dancing fools at the ward Valentine's party. It was wild: a DJ, breakdancing, a chocolate fountain, Elvis, lots of booty-shaking pregnant women. During one particular song, we took turns doing our thing in the circle. Steve's thing was a back-handspring, but right in the middle of the air, his male ego got the better of him and he tried to do a trick that he could do when he was a teenager involving stopping in the middle on his hands. He didn't have enough rotation and he landed on his face. At first it looked like to me that he had really hurt himself, like broken his neck, so a bruised ego and a bruised forehead was really getting off lucky. He could probably still do a simple back handspring without any disgraceful injuries, but he's got to retire it sometime. Why not now? $200 a month for gymnastics back when that was a lot of money x seven years = not a darn thing when you're 30.

Crazy dancing at the nursing home sounds like a good time, too. I'll look into that for next time.
Anonymous said…
Dear Steve,

I am sorry that this blog post made me laugh a lot.


Suzie Petunia said…
Hooray for Emily and Steve who were partying like animals (sober animals) !!

I just discovered I can stand on my head. But I have never done a back handspring. Is it too late to learn?
Alice said…
Oh the visuals...

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