Tres meses

I got called a lazy blogger tonight. I totally just did that link the old school way, the html way, the way we did it before blogger got all the happy little icons, the not lazy way.

Calvin is three months old today. He's crying his head off right now.

My mom is doing my dishes. She's all about service, all the time. I think I have the greatest mom on the planet.

My sister made me cry today. She and her family are moving to the Caribbean, and I had to say goodbye. She and her husband have been the best aunt and uncle to my kids and friends to me and Steve. Utah will be a much lonelier place without them. She definitely made moving here a happier experience for me.

Even though I'm anti self-referential blog posts, I'll admit here and now that "lazy blogger" is a decently apt descriptor. Well, maybe "uninterested blogger" is more apt. "Lazy Christmas-decoration-taker-downer" is apt, though, for sure. "Lazy money manager" fits. "Lazy clothes-put-awayer," that'll do, too.


amyraye said…
see- now don't you feel better now that you've blogged all that? it kind of completes your day, don't you think?

you were one of my original inspirations to start my own blog. and then you had to up and move to utah and fall off the blogging planet. :)

i have really enjoyed getting to know you in a cyber-space kind of way the past year. abby moving even makes me sad. sisters shouldn't be apart when raising kids.

thanks for being a loyal reader. and thanks for educating me along the way. i enjoy your thoughtful, funny comments.
Sarah said…
abby. abby. abby. we love her. i am wishing all our siblings lived closer. to me.

lazy bloggers unite.
Neil and Diana said…
I want to be lazy with you.
pam said…
Calvin looks cute and contented on his 3 mo. anniversary. We will sure miss Abby and family too.
abby said…
verklempt. again. stop making me cry, internet. oh and elliot crying made us die a little. we love that boy. we miss you so so so much all ready. so so so.
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
amyegodfrey said…
I miss you all so much.
Jord said…
Thanks for having us over for dinner. Your Mom sounds amazing. I am sad for you losing your sister to the Caribbean. I sympathize with a crying baby. My Christmas tree is still standing.

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