I got two tickets to paradise. Won't you pack your bags, we'll leave tonight.

Here's to 12 more years, and 4 more kids. 

Just kidding. One. One more kid.

And 112 years.

Thanks for marrying me, Stephen Marshall.


MarySue said…
Happy wishes to both of you, with love.
Kalli said…
That is cute, I'm so happy to hear about 12 years down the road. It gives me peace. You know?

Happy Anniversary.
amyegodfrey said…
I love and adore you and your wonderful husband and children. I'm so grateful you two best friends got married. Happy Anniversary.
pepper said…
Hey Emily,
Billy Idol right? Is Bono the drummer? Congratulations to you and Steve. I smile when I think about you and your little family.
Neil and Diana said…
Happy anniversary to a lovely couple.
CK said…
You have beautiful kids guys, job well done!!!
*JULIA* said…
I love Aarons face in your pic. Congratulations on 12 years.
Nancy said…
Cute picture, happy anniversary! I can't believe it's been 12 years, time flies, have fun on your trip!
Elisabeth said…
I can't believe that Isaac's hair is so dark! Happy anniversary
tessa said…
Happy Anniversary!
Bryn said…
What a beautiful little kingdom you are making!! What a great day to celebrate.
pam said…
What a great picture of a great family. Those 12 years have gone by so fast.
Steve said…
Right back atcha, babe.
Suzie Petunia said…
Ahhhh! You two make the cutest couple! AND the cutest kids! Congrats, you love birds. :)

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