I could write volumes of books about this girl, starting with how we really didn't like each other growing up, and I acted as though I wanted nothing to do with her or her friends, but really it was because I knew I could never measure up to her beauty and charm, so I acted as if I didn't want to, all the while stealing her clothes after she left for school and carefully replacing them just so in her closet before she came home from basketball practice or whatever it was so she wouldn't know I had worn them; then going on to how we became good friends as we got older and I liked that she liked to hang out with my friends, even when I wasn't around; then how we both got married and had kids and became genuine sisters who loved each other; then how she went through a really intensely difficult time in her life, and I felt like it was the most gut-wrenching thing that ever happened to me because I didn't want her to hurt, ever; and then on to how she is the greatest older sister I could hope for and how as I'm typing this, my daughter is pointing at her picture, saying, "She made my blanket for me!" which of course she did because she is so generous with her talents and gifts, and I love her so.
But I have to get my son to preschool in 13 minutes and then get the nail hole patched in my van tire, and I haven't gotten dressed yet, so I'm not going to have time to write those volumes. Plus, I realize that I have been hot-and-cold with recognizing loved ones' birthdays, et cetera, on my blog and I don't want my other much-loved sisters and folks to feel like I love them any less....
So, I'm just going to quickly say:
Happy birthday, Sarah! You are wonderful in every way!
I'm also shedding a tear. Happy Birthday, Sarah, you lucky girl! Mom