Which is to say that my vanity is zerozerozero

Today. Sick sick sick. I never get sick. Except today.

Normal day. Although Photobooth shots are never flattering (of me).


amyegodfrey said…
I'm sorry you're sick. I thought I picked up on that in your voice yesterday. I very much wish I was there to help out. Get as much sleep as you can.
Jocelyn said…
Sucks that you're sick, but I think you pretty good a la natural, a good eyebrow shape does wonders!
amyraye said…
sounds like norah really was sick...
but at least you're sick at home in utah and not in hawaii.
hope you feel normal again tomorrow.
Jennifer said…
I'm happy to hear about your fabulous vacation, but so sad to hear you are sick. Coming back to reality after a trip is hard enough, w/o illness to boot. I wish I looked as good as you do, sick or otherwise! And if it makes you feel better, I was just in Utah last week (Jaimy had a baby), and I was depressed to come home, too. From Utah. You are depressed to return to the place that I wish I was, which shows you how much higher up on the food chain you are than me. :)
Jennifer said…
And didn't you just go to Hawaii last year? What gives?
abby said…
you are pretty. the kids can't wait for their playdate.
Sarah said…
Sorry you're sick. You do have nice eyebrows. Is that any consolation?
Anonymous said…
Emily, I hate the flu. But you look a lot better with the flu than i do. When i had the flu, my appearance scared the daylights out of our neighbor. And he is a doctor. Crayton was quick to assure him that I look A LOT better with some make up.

And i concur with the others, great brows. amazing natural beauty. and really sassy glasses.
tessa said…
If it makes you feel any better I woke up with pink eye. It's just lovely and I will not post a pic but you can use your imagination:) Hope you feel better soon!
Neil and Diana said…
I like the picture with the glasses. I heart you. I miss your family.

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