I did not plead guity

If you speed in Orem in a school zone on your way to the aviary with your sister and your kids, and you

a) do not have proof of insurance in your vehicle
b) are not properly restraining your five year old because all the carseats and booster seats are otherwise occupied
c) do not have a license plate in the front AND
d) do not have a Utah driver's license even though you've lived there for more than a year,

it's not so bad to get a ticket and show up for court and five minutes later walk out, pay $95 for fees and traffic school, and be on your merry way. It's not so good, but not so bad, either.


abby said…
wait, you are innocent? are you sure? i mean, is there a reason you were going so fast in a school zone?
Anonymous said…
you are a mighty lucky girl. ag
Carrie said…
oh, don't tell me you were speeding in a school zone. not cool. you really lucked out.
Angela said…
Jeeze, I think the only other thing you could have done wrong is not signal when he pulled you over!
lys said…
Living in Orem, you were bound to get pulled over at some point for something. They love to police things down there in happy valley! At least you got pulled over with a bang. . . and not just for something ridiculous. ;)
abby said…
i agree with lys. and i also have to say that it was a school zone but there were NO children around and emily is a really great driver.
Amy said…
I got pulled over on the freeway just outside of Orem for having tinted windows on my truck. The police man was not very nice.
Sarah said…
I am wondering why you had to show up for court, AND pay for traffic school. I thought it was one or the other. And you have to have 2 plates in UT? That's it! You should move back immediately!
Jennifer said…
Emily, just to make you feel better, I went almost twenty years without a ticket, then racked up two in one month last summer. And I was NOT in a school zone, had all my necessary documentation, and still each ticket was $150! How did you squeeze by w/just $95? As usual, all is rosier, gentler, and kinder in Utah Valley. And I believe Abby; I'm sure you are great driver. I can tell by the way you write. (not kidding, somehow it makes sense.)
Emily said…
Jenny, it's true what you say about Utah Valley.
Angela said…
Your friend Whit hasn't emailed me her address yet. Do you have her email so I can email her? Thanks-
Sarah said…
LOL! Wow, that's crazy. That's the one thing I like about the military, I can get away some things. Especially when it comes to tags/plates on my vehicle. :-)
Christen Noelle said…
Lucky break...that is awesome! Did you know here in Phoenix the fine for no proof of insurance is around $900...crazy. No, I do not know that from experience.
Suzie Petunia said…
I hate traffic fines. I'm glad you got off (relatively) easy.

I had a dream and you and your family were in it. Did you recently buy a cute little retro trailer that you pull behind your car? Does it really have 4 bedrooms inside? You hosted an amazing party in it.
Jennifer said…
Hey Emily, I've been trying to email you about a certain FHE group lost love circa 1995, but I can't get it to go through. Will you email me at jensmith00@gmail.com so we can sort out this important issue? Thanks.
go boo boo said…
You are so lucky!!!
Kijuana said…
I do not like traffic incidents, stops or any such things. Not one ticket in AZ, but I did have an unfortunate string of bad luck in VA. Glad you didn't have a worse outcome. :)

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