Happy birthday, love


Callie said…
Happy Birthday to Steve...our very missed and beloved home teacher and friend!
amyegodfrey said…
Happy Birthday, wonderful son-in-law! We love you!
MarySue said…
Happy Birthday dear friend. If I were in Provo I'd give you a bag of chocolate chips...and know you'd share.
Anonymous said…
It wss a good day. Thanks for the well-wishes. Callie, I miss home teaching your family and your cats. Amy, we're looking forward to seeing you. MarySue, I'll eat some chocolate chips in your honor.

And Emily, you're wonderful. I hope we can grow old together, even though you'll always be two days older.
austinmcraig said…
That's a great picture.
pam said…
What a fun picture! Glad we got to celebrate with you. Happy birthday to both of you.
Suzie Petunia said…
You did real good, Emily. We like that guy. Happy belated Birthday, S!

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