Of utmost importance

My skin has been particularly b.a.d. since moving to Utah, and the Utah-->Arizona-->Hawaii-->Arizona-->Utah stint about did it in. I've been eyeing Proactiv, and then discovered that AcneFree at Costco has the same ingredients and more of it for less than half the price. Plus, right now, there's an $8 off coupon. So AcneFree it is. So far so good. Does anyone have any compelling reasons for using Proactiv instead? Besides a Sean Combs Puff Daddy P Diddy endorsement, that is.

In other news, I like McCain and Obama and Romney, so if one of them wins, I'm cool with that. However, I do not approve of the manner in which we, in this country, elect presidential candidates. Anna Quindlen and I agree that our system is much too much convoluted, and why should a couple of thousand folks in obscure New Hampshire decide who will carry momentum into the other states' primaries? Why don't we all vote on the same day? And why is the dumb media making such a big deal about "Hillary's emotional moment"? Oh my heavens, the lady has had almost no sleep, has worked her tail off for a year, and has invested everything into this campaign. She is torn apart at every turn, insulted to her face ("Why do people like Obama more than they like you?") and listen up, folks, SHE'S A WOMAN. It's amazing she's not having an emotional breakdown every day. I know I would be. It is not news that her voice cracked for an instant.

That said, I like McCain, Obama, and Romney.

Also, does anybody want to buy our house? It's such a good little house. I really love it.


Carina said…
I agree with you, on almost every count.

I found that my skin needs to drink moisturizer here. Once I started treating my skin like it's extra dry, my skin problems vanished.
Sarah said…
I agree with you too, on every item. I've used both products; relatively equal.

I would like to buy your house for you if I could. I bet March will be your month.
Anonymous said…
Emily I have tried Proactiv and the Costco brand. I like the Costco one better. Proactiv made my skin really splotchy and peely. I did feel like I was cheating on P Diddy, Jessica Simpson, Vanessa Williams, Kelly Clarkson and Guthey-Renker. It was tough. Unfortunately, after all that cheating neither of the brands really worked for me. If you find your cause of acne to be hormonal, ad I did, I have the MOST AMAZING supplement. It has worked better than anything else that I have ever tried. And I have tried a lot of different things. About Hillary. I have cried this week over PMS, that it is my week to carpool, spilled milk, broken glass and A LOT of laundry. As i watched the media hoop la, I bet myself that the men cry too. Only they wait until they are all alone. When you bet against yourself, you win. I won another week of not folding my laundry! Hooray for me! Best of luck selling your beautiful home! Positive thoughts and lots of prayers. It will sell.
Anonymous said…
Well spoken. I love your house, too. I would like to buy it, but I would be sad living there without you. AG
abby said…
I definitely prefer Proactiv. It's more exfoliating, which is great for the dry skin.

Natalie, I want to hear about this supplement.
Courtney said…
Sorry about the skin and the lack of house selling. I think Guthy Renker, P-Diddy and Jessica will survive your abandoning their product.
{Erica} said…
I have tried both proactiv and the one from costco..they both do the job so why not get the one from costco...i do have to warn you though...a lot of people (including moi) had to keep using the stuff ...it's like your sking is addicted to the stuff and if you stop even for one month when you are too busy to order more or get to costco you will break out or your skin will start acting all funny on you...

as for your house...if it's still for sale (which I hope for your sake it's not) in a year and a half when the Hus graduates vet school and we get that job in arizona...we'll buy it :)
Nancy said…
I tried ProActiv, too expensive for me with not amazing results, also Acne Free was okay, but strangely enough for me the thing that has worked best for me is this oxy face wash that's marketed at teenage boys. There's a grey colored bar of soap that I use, and those oxy pads work good too. It's all packaged in black and red colored stuff. Also I use a clearasil vanishing cream for spot treatment. Try these, they worked for me and are cheap!
Angela said…
I agree that every state's primaries should be on the same day. Maybe we could start a lobby group or something.
Heidi said…
I used Proactiv for months and was pleased with it, but recently stopped and was sick of the shipments, cost, etc. If the stuff at Costco works the same and is cheaper, stick with it. I went back to my old cleansing standby that my mom has used for YEARS....Prell shampoo
AmyJune said…
I agree about having all the primaries on the same day.
Sarah said…
Prell shampoo, really?
Heidi said…
Yes Prell. I guess years and years ago a dermatologist told my mother it's a great facial cleanser and she's been using it pretty faithfully ever since. I don't know if it would work for everyone, but it does for us.
Becky said…
Okay, so my skin has been on the fritz recently and I saw the Costco coupon and decided that was going to be my solution. Let's both try it and document our progress, shall we?

Also, I agree that no one should be giving Hillary any guff about her "split second" of emotionality! That said, I am a bit of a O'bama and Romney and maybe Huckabee fan. I need more Huckabee info, but he's a heck of a debator!

Best Skin Care Wishes. Utah is exceedingly dry! Try a humidifier in your bedroom.
kacy faulconer said…
I really don't mind Hillary. People seem to really HATE her and I just don't get it. Man, I hope that house sells!
austinmcraig said…
When I am elected, I will do what I can to change the primaries to a decent system, preferably all on the same day.
My skin cleared up as soon as I stopped washing it with acne soap. Go figure. I use hot water and a wash cloth with great results.
Kate said…
I like Obama... he gets my vote. Yeah- I agree with the Hillary thing... at least it made her seem real and she didn't have that annoying voice when she 'cried'.

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