Of utmost importance
My skin has been particularly b.a.d. since moving to Utah, and the Utah-->Arizona-->Hawaii-->Arizona-->Utah stint about did it in. I've been eyeing Proactiv, and then discovered that AcneFree at Costco has the same ingredients and more of it for less than half the price. Plus, right now, there's an $8 off coupon. So AcneFree it is. So far so good. Does anyone have any compelling reasons for using Proactiv instead? Besides a Sean Combs Puff Daddy P Diddy endorsement, that is.
In other news, I like McCain and Obama and Romney, so if one of them wins, I'm cool with that. However, I do not approve of the manner in which we, in this country, elect presidential candidates. Anna Quindlen and I agree that our system is much too much convoluted, and why should a couple of thousand folks in obscure New Hampshire decide who will carry momentum into the other states' primaries? Why don't we all vote on the same day? And why is the dumb media making such a big deal about "Hillary's emotional moment"? Oh my heavens, the lady has had almost no sleep, has worked her tail off for a year, and has invested everything into this campaign. She is torn apart at every turn, insulted to her face ("Why do people like Obama more than they like you?") and listen up, folks, SHE'S A WOMAN. It's amazing she's not having an emotional breakdown every day. I know I would be. It is not news that her voice cracked for an instant.
That said, I like McCain, Obama, and Romney.
Also, does anybody want to buy our house? It's such a good little house. I really love it.
In other news, I like McCain and Obama and Romney, so if one of them wins, I'm cool with that. However, I do not approve of the manner in which we, in this country, elect presidential candidates. Anna Quindlen and I agree that our system is much too much convoluted, and why should a couple of thousand folks in obscure New Hampshire decide who will carry momentum into the other states' primaries? Why don't we all vote on the same day? And why is the dumb media making such a big deal about "Hillary's emotional moment"? Oh my heavens, the lady has had almost no sleep, has worked her tail off for a year, and has invested everything into this campaign. She is torn apart at every turn, insulted to her face ("Why do people like Obama more than they like you?") and listen up, folks, SHE'S A WOMAN. It's amazing she's not having an emotional breakdown every day. I know I would be. It is not news that her voice cracked for an instant.
That said, I like McCain, Obama, and Romney.
Also, does anybody want to buy our house? It's such a good little house. I really love it.

I found that my skin needs to drink moisturizer here. Once I started treating my skin like it's extra dry, my skin problems vanished.
I would like to buy your house for you if I could. I bet March will be your month.
Natalie, I want to hear about this supplement.
as for your house...if it's still for sale (which I hope for your sake it's not) in a year and a half when the Hus graduates vet school and we get that job in arizona...we'll buy it :)
Also, I agree that no one should be giving Hillary any guff about her "split second" of emotionality! That said, I am a bit of a O'bama and Romney and maybe Huckabee fan. I need more Huckabee info, but he's a heck of a debator!
Best Skin Care Wishes. Utah is exceedingly dry! Try a humidifier in your bedroom.
My skin cleared up as soon as I stopped washing it with acne soap. Go figure. I use hot water and a wash cloth with great results.