Utah's cold

My sister-in-law, of the crafty Craigs, has opened an Etsy shop of her beautiful jewelry. She's also giving away a pair of very pretty earrings. Go leave her a comment to enter to win.


Steve and I have been catching up on season 3 of Lost every night. As soon as the kids are in bed, we set up his laptop and prepare for a mini-marathon of episodes. Love it! I don't know if I will be able to stand starting Season 4 with just one commercial-laden episode a week and then a long suspenseful week before the next one. And then there's that pesky problem of the writers' strike and only half of this season being filmed already. Dare I even get emotionally vested in Season 4? One of last night's episodes was the superflous Nikki and Paulo one, in which the two crazy kids get -- {big shudder} -- buried alive. The other involved head games by Juliet, whom Steve thinks is the Severus Snape of the island. Can you trust her? Who's to know?


whit said…
Emily, this is whitney (peppers sister). my husband and I have been watching the first season, bc we don't have anything else to watch bc nothing is on! I am surprised you can watch the 3rd season. I guess it is easier if you can watch them without waiting a week in between. We had a hard time last year bc it was so slow. We only have a couple weeks to wait. Our friend thinks the rest of the episodes will be flash forwards to the future. Don't think I agree. Anyway, happy watching in a few weeks.
Angela said…
Thanks for the mention!
Heidi said…
Wouldn't watching it be better on a TV? --Andrew
Suzie Petunia said…
I think the Nikki and Paulo story will come back around making SOMETHING come full circle. I believe in Lost. They will not let me down.

Taylor and I get caught up on shows on his laptop, too. Its my favorite part of the day. :)
Nancy said…
I was a die hard lost fan, and somehow I just got lost in it all, too many plot lines, and really the lack of answers every week followed by more questions just kills me. I decided to stick with the office, less intense, more funny.
abby said…
I think Juliet is trustable.
abby said…
Trustworthy, also.
tessa said…
That's how Steve and I got hooked on The Office. Every night when the kids went to bed we enjoyed commercial free, laptop TV. Now the strike has ruined our fanaticism. Here's to hoping it ends soon!!
The fact that I don't watch Lost makes me feel Lost in today society. Perhaps I should take your advice and remedy that.
go boo boo said…
Andy's catching up too. I've never seen it and really have no desire, but totally understand the no waiting the week for the next episode fear, since we have done the same with 24.
Sarah said…
I am eager to find out what they do with this new season. I feel somewhat lost because I haven't watched regularly since season one. However, we did see last year's season finale and I felt somewhat caught up with the main story lines. It's addicting, and yet I'm not an addict. I'm immune.
Anonymous said…
Hi my friend- I love you and miss you! -heather g.
Emily said…
Hi, Whitney!

Angela, you betcha.

Andrew, the olds episode are online, thus the laptop.

Suzie, I think N and P were just filler. I miss you!

Nancy and Cjane and Sarah, you really must watch!

Abby, you're trustable.

Tessa and Heather, so good to hear from you!

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