Abby's the best

It was another crazy Craig family picture experience. Abby didn't have very cooperate subjects to work with, to say the least, but she worked wonders with what we gave her.

Nobody will care if we send out photos in which the 3 people who didn't throw major fits this morning look decent, will they? As in, everybody but Aaron, Isaac and Norah? Not to name names.


Sarah said…
I love it! People will get a kick out of that - cause we've all been there. You should send that one!

Abby did a great job! You look great!
Anonymous said…
I love this picture! It is one of the best I've seen.
Anonymous said…
What a fun picture! Aaron's expression cracks me up! Amye
Neil and Diana said…
OMG, it's awesome! Isaac and Aaron look like movie stars -- tres dramatic!
abby said…
Ok, you're not sending that one are you? I'm a little embarrassed, but you are sweet. I seriously had no idea what it takes to get four kids all looking decent at the same time! Good thing they are cute kids!
Heidi said…
Your family is so cute! I feel your pain Emily--taking family pictures is so stressful for me -- I'm dreading taking our pictures next week. I don't know if the newborn baby will cooperate, let alone my 2 year old.
debi said…
I think it turned out good, Abby. Cute kids Emily.
Wendy said…
What a great photo of your lovely family!
Carina said…
Do what my mom always did: send out the one that made her look incredible, even if the rest of us were cross-eyed and gobsmacked.
Andelin said…
What a classic! A beautiful family nonetheless!
Christen Noelle said…
Sooo cute...I miss you guys!
Nancy said…
I think pics like that more closely capture real life, and I really am liking Isaac's think curls.
Anonymous said…
haha, Azucar, that's what I do...who cares if my hub's eyes are closed...I look glam, we're using it!

Em, your family is darling. I can't believe we were both at the AZ temple last week??? Wishing so badly that we could have met.

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