Good luck, cowboys

Does anyone think it's funny that this

plus a big tv, a computer, two bikes, plus a few sundry items that Steve just brought out (everything that is not going into the dark abyss of indefinite storage, in other words), oh, and seven people have to fit in our two cars for our big move?

I think it's pretty funny.

Wednesday morning edit: Ahhhh, our lives just got much easier. The moving van will take as much stuff as we need to our new residence. Thank you, Brigham!


Nancy said…
I did laugh, so I guess I think it's funny. Good luck guys! Maybe you'll have to rent a small U haul trailor or something. When exactly do you leave? We need to come by and say goodbye.
Emily said…
No, Diana, it's YOU TAH. Just kidding, but I'm still trying to figure out your cryptic message.
Sarah said…
Thank goodness! How did you work that magic?
Christie K said…
Good luck on the move. Moves are always so much fun! When do you leave?
Angela said…
I'm glad my office could arrange the move for you. You know me, happy to help in any way I can. And no need to thank me. It's the least I could do.
Richard said…
Moving stinks.

Most stressful common experiences in life:

-Death of a loved one
-Fired from job

Sadly many people have to move because of also experiencing one of the other three.
Heidi Totten said…
Emily - My favorite restaurant in Phoenix is Carlos O'Brien's at 12th Street and Northern!
Sarah said…
fyi: New Baby is the 5th biggest stresser.
Emily said…
This move has actually been remarkably low-stress thus far, and we owe it all to Angela and her office for sending two FANTASTIC packers to our home today to do in 5 hours what would have taken us 105.

As far as stressful things go, chronic and/or terminal illness of loved ones has got to be high up on the list. And dire poverty is stressful. That's got to be up there. And being chased by a mountain lion.

It never occurred to me to ask the moving company if they would be willing to make a second stop with some of our stuff, until the impossibility of transporting all our must-haves in our own vehicles became much too obvious. Then I asked, sort of fearing that it would add thousands of dollars to our already high bill (ahem, sacred tithing funds). And they were all, "Oh, yeah, no problem. We do that all the time." Moral of the story: Just Ask.

We are driving out of Phoenix forever on Monday, never to return. Except for Christmas. We're going to Utah by way of Disneyland (that's right on the way, isn't it?) and I'm really hoping for a nice, uncrowded Tuesday in September at Disneyland. Is that too much to hope for?
Emily said…
Oh, and hrt, thank you! I am sad to say that I have never eaten at Carlos O'Brien's, although it has been around forever. My husband used to make fun of it for the Mexi-Irish name.
austinmcraig said…
Carlos Obriens is delicious. See you soon.
Chelle said…

We made a similar move (stuff in storage while we found our humble abode). Be prepared for the bazillion times that you'll think of something that you need/wish you had that is in your storage unit.

Also, it will drive you nuts to live in someone else's home, no matter how much you love 'em and how fabulous they are.


Make sure that you use a storage unit with GOOD security. Our unit was broken into and 75% of our belongings were stolen. That was our welcome back to Zion. Can you believe that would happen in YOU TAH? It did. (but I'm in Salt Lake, you're in I think you'll be okay) ha.

p.s. Do you give prizes for "Biggest Joy kill Comment of the Day"? I think I'd win, hands down. Sorry 'bout that.

Truly wishing you good luck, strength and grit through the next week! : )
Neil and Diana said…
Whaddaya mean, "never to return"??? That is NOT FUNNY, even if you did qualify it with a Christmas 2007 exception. Gosh.
lys said…
It's still really surreal to me that you are moving here!!!! Seeing this picture made it a little more real.
Anonymous said…
Uh, I am with Diana on the"never to return" statement. That was harsh. We're bleeding as it is!
Emily said…
Sorry. You know Arizona is my home.
pepper said…
Living with parents isn't all that bad. Storing your stuff for a unknown period of time isn't all that bad either. We are going on five years... I am looking forward to opening our "time capsule" sometime in the next five.
Courtney said…
I hope you have one of those clown cars that has the ability to fit more and more stuff! Should be a fun drive.
Anonymous said…
Gotta love IKEA bags...
AmyJune said…
I still can't believe that this is really happening.
Sarah said…
me neither. How incredibly sad this is. We already miss you!

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